I have been wearing wigs for 14 years! Wow.

My first few wigs were pricey. I've worn $300 wigs and $20 wigs. Human and synthetic. Every color under the sun! (Okay, not orange or yellow. Maybe some day) I have settled somewhat comfortably for the last 10 years on $30 wigs. I'm partial to the Sis brand at the moment. More than anything because of color and style options. They die so fast! A month is pushing it. I go around bald occasionally but have mostly stopped. I love wigs- but again, they are just so temporary.

Does anyone else deal with this frustration? The knots that form on your back and the eventual crunchy ends that turn into Velcro dreadlocks. Ugh. I've tried fabric softener, detanglers, wig shampoos, combing vs brushing- nothing seems to make a dramatic difference. I've scoured forums and found tips on cosplay sites, but then those wigs are for occasional use and don't have to go through the wear and tear of everyday use.

I've looked at the more expensive wigs but where are the fun color options or styles? Maybe I want to have a natural looking pink wig? Frustration. My next attempt is making my own. I have access to the supplies at my local wig shop, so I'm going to give it a go. Not sure if it will be for me. I do keep my old ones, mainly because I do have a use for them so they aren't going to waste.

I know wigs aren't meant to be forever, but has anyone else found something that really works for keeping them looking nice? Does anyone else deal with these cheaper wigs and let out that sigh while brushing when you realize another one has bit the dust?

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Hey thanks Dominique,

I'd like to have something i can take off at night and take care of my own hair. (washing/conditioning) - well...errrr... what little hair i DO have.LOL!

Can you send us a link? What's a Freedom piece?

oh yeah..

Rose, the freedom wig rep!  i knew some how she'd find her way in this thread... those wigs are expensive.  $1500+.

I'm looking for just the bargain basement brands, unfortunately .

You also have to be completely bald or keep your head shaved to wear a Freedom wig.

Yeah.. I almost got snagged into buying those wigs when I was darn near completely bald when I first joined.  I was so desperate for a "natural" looking wig. I w o hold have shelled out anything. I kept reading through threads and this person kept "showing up". That's when I realized that the one who was advocating freedom wigs "cough", worked for them.  

5,0000 + smackers is a lot of money to be throwing around. And I almost did until some of the members exposed that person.

There's nothing wrong with something that works for you? But it's even more disappointing when people get excited, spend their money, and come back on the forum not very happy with the product.

And the template response is.. "I'm sorry that happened but I can attest"... sound familiar?

It's happened...


maybe it's a good idea not to post something from a representative from a company.  It makes YOU look like a rep.

also remember, regardless of how KNOWLEDGABLE a representative is of her wares - members also have feelings.  It's called getting 'fed up".

please be kind as well and stop copying and pasting her posts - and just post for yourself.  It's not a good look at all.

To be honest? "Thou dost protest too much"..

Hi Erika,

The Freedom piece is a vacuum hairpiece completely customized for your head shape all the way to your desired look.  You can see more at www.imageevolutionhair.ca or www.freedomwigs.com

That's great - changed your life. But not everyone needs a wig that costs $$$ to "change" their life.   I wear a $25 scarf on my head and my piece of mind and contentment and self acceptance cost even less because it comes from WITHIN.

That's great - for you.  But I think, having had this condition for 15 years, I am allowed to say that I notice wig systems sales reps push the idea that we all need a "Freedom wig" (or similar) to have "freedom" in our life.  Hence, the name of the wig line!    You can't deny the wig systems definitely promote the idea that we are restricted in our lives unless we are wearing a custom made wig ; I grimace at these pictures of women with their wigs in pony tails as they water ski.   I understand the message the ad is conveying - buy this wig and you'll be free to enjoy water-skiing like a normal person.

But, I'm saying - sorry - not everyone can afford a wig that costs several thousand dollars yet we are still able to enjoy "freedoms" in our lives.    I live in a beach town and I go swimming in our lake, in our pools, ride my bikes, ride boats, do yoga, hike, mountain bike, etc etc  - all these things. I wear a scarf or a synthetic wig.  Guess what ?  No one really cares or notices me

Why are you saying to me "I had YEARS of people staring at me.. bullies in school" in bold?   I have alopecia universalis.  I have had it for 15 years. I'm quite aware of what it's like to bald, thank you. I am quite aware of stares.      I lived in cities and now live in a tiny town where I'm only bald woman in town.   I get it.   Doesn't mean we all need $5000 wigs before we can feel content with our lives or function as human beings.

Hi Tuesday,

I don't believe that any Freedom Representative would ever take away from the notion that bald is beautiful.  I fully believe that every person should find their own way to deal with their alopecia in the way they see fit.  For some women that is going out without hair, others it is a scarf and for some it is finding a hairpiece.  

I lost my hair 6 years ago, therefore spent 35 years with beautiful auburn hair only to have it all disappear out of the blue in 5 months time.  I am an extremely active person (I am the water-skier you see in the Freedom ads) and I wanted an option that looked like me in the end.  When I first dove into the wig industry I was left feeling very unhappy and very insecure in my first hairpiece that I thought was beautiful.  I stopped doing my activities for fear of losing my hair and I tried wearing my buffs during activities but it left me feeling insecure and unhappy so I sought after a different solution.  

I took a leap of faith and went for a Freedom Wig and truly can testify that it helped me re-engage in my active lifestyle which in turn helped my confidence grow.  It truly was a venue for my growth and acceptance of my alopecia.  It was after a year of wearing Freedom that I became a representative for the company up here in Canada.  I do not do the business to force my product on people, I market the product from my point of view which is a view that many people with our condition share.  

I have never seen a hair product that has matched the quality,  endurance, customization or customer service that Freedom offers and I have worn and seen most options available.  

Tuesday, I think whatever way we wish to present ourselves that makes us feel confident or beautiful should be accepted.  I feel more and more beautiful without my hair but love my option of Freedom.  

I appreciate you taking the time to write a thoughtful heart-spoken post, Jennifer. 

I guess I just have a differing opinion in that I feel some of us (I'm speaking for myself) just can NOT afford a wig like a Freedom wig. It's just not going to ever happen and I'm here to say that one can overcome insecurities and image issues without an expensive wig.  

"I lost my hair 6 years ago, therefore spent 35 years with beautiful auburn hair only to have it all disappear out of the blue in 5 months time.  I am an extremely active person (I am the water-skier you see in the Freedom ads) and I wanted an option that looked like me in the end."

I have AU. Lost all my hair at age 30 in about 3 weeks. I hear ya.  I was known as the Swedish blonde my whole life.  Yes, I'm very active too.   I have had the same feelings.  The same issue of looking in the mirror and not seeing myself as I once was.  My point is ... not everyone will be able to access thousands of dollars to wear a custom wig (or tattoo their eyebrows). And   many people struggling with image issues join support groups like Alopecia World only to hear repeatedly from reps such as yourself painting the picture of being an insecure person who lost their beautiful hair and now needs an expensive wig to replicate what they once had.   I'm sorry - but it's just not a financial reality for all of us - we can't all buy these wigs.  And, I went through a lot of grief when I lost my hair - just like all of us here - and finally realized I should just be happy and adjust with my scarves and synthetic wigs. And the older I get and the more I incur other health issues - I can say that hair loss is the least of my issues and worries!

I lived most of my life too - just like you - 30 years of very lovely hair and had not ever heard of alopecia and never dreamed I'd be bald in a few short weeks. And yes, very active just as you described yourself.      Does it make a difference?   

"I've looked at the more expensive wigs but where are the fun color options or styles? Maybe I want to have a natural looking pink wig? Frustration"

Are you outside of the U.S? I'm Canadian. I find just the issue of not being American and paying for international shipping and dollar exchange - a huge issue.

I hear ya about fun colour options. I buy synthetic wigs like Envy, Noriko, Revlon to name my favourite brands.    But I  did, from Ebonyline.com, buy US$19 wig in a really funky fun colour combination. If you are willing to take a chance, you can find some pretty funky colours and wigs for low cost from websites like Ebonyline.   These wigs featured on these sites carry wigs are generally intended for black women but I definitely would look at the styles if I were you. I should warn you - quality can be hit or miss.   

I like Alopecia World but it drives me nuts when people come on and try to sell a Freedom wig etc and present it as if it's the final and best option for someone with alopecia.     Okay, I'll tell you - I have had AU for 15 years.  I am not ever investing in a $4,000 wig.  I don't believe I need a custom wig that costs $$$ to make me feel happy or normal or "beautiful".       And I personally think the sharp edgy cuts available in synthetic wigs look a lot more modern.  To quote my ex-hair stylist, "A ponytail is not a hair style".   Just my opinion but I'm really tired and bored of people, particularly, reps, Alopecia World website presenting the idea that someone we all need a custom human hair wig to feel at peace with one's self.    

Not everyone thinks a long head of hair hanging down is the most desirable cut or style.   Look at Noriko or Raquel Welch wigs and you'll see a lot of edgy modern fun cuts.    There are other options than the human hair custom wig.    And don't be afraid to look at the wigs intended for black women -  those websites have so many fun styles and colours.

And the reason I'm griping about these reps and this hype of these $$$ custom wigs as the best solution is I've had AU for 15 years. And for 15 years, I've been seeing in support groups and the media this message from mostly hair replacement system reps and related individuals that somehow you'll never have "freedom" in your life again until you invest in one of these hugely expensive pieces. And I see a lot of women with hair loss who are feeling pretty upset or shamed or discouraged trying to raise the money and hope that they will one day be able to have "freedom" by owning one of these wigs.    Self acceptance is not something you can buy.    And trust me ,  you can enjoy life with a cheap wig on your head, a scarf or nothing at all.   



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