Hey, guys. I'm Anakin Wildstar from Washington State. I'm a 46 year old male from the Seattle area. I've had thick brown hair every since 1995, when I noticed a very small nickel sized patch of hair loss right on the hair line above my right ear. I thought nothing of it and just continued with my life. About a year later, I noticed another patch on the left side of my hair line above my ear, but was a bit bigger. I started thinking:"Hmm, something's not right, here", but I have an introverted internal dialogue which, I guess, was a conditioned thing to not deal with things of this nature, so again, I just shaved my hairline on each side a bit higher and colored the rest in with my sister's eyeliner. lol.

In October of 2001, I woke up one day and noticed the right side of my head had a much bigger patch of missing hair along with a dime-sized patch on the back of my head(which quickly grew back, for some reason), but the ear patch on the right stayed bald. I quickly went to my Physician to figure this out and all he said was: "It's stress, relax and it will eventually grow back". I still felt something else was going on, but I wasn't sure what. So, I shaved the sides of my head, and got a leopard tattoo in the bald spot above my right ear to kind of 'turn something bad into something cool' type of answer. The tattoo hurt like HADES, I even had a panic attack in the middle of the session and had to go back the next day to finish it off. He shaved a lot of my hair off to perform the tattoo, so I decided to shave my entire head with a low setting on my clippers, thinking it would all come in evenly and together. It never grew at all. I just shaved it with a razor afterwards, because during that time, I noticed bald spots on my wrists, legs and one on my eyebrow.

I went to another Doctor and they pretty much said the same thing: stress. I DID have some stress going on, but I ALWAYS had stress going on in my life. I couldn't put 2 and 2 together on what was happening to my body hair. Then, in the spring of 2003, it went from A.A. to A.U. i had no hair on my head at ALL, but i had a beard, brows, lashes, and some body hair. And in the summer of 2003, I watched it ALL fall out, mustache(I had one since i was 12 and always loved it), eyebrows, eyelashes, armpit, pubic, leg, arm, name it, it was ALL gone. I had NO idea how to act/react. I was in complete shock. I had to wear a NIKE beanie and big eye glasses to hide my hair and eyebrow areas. I became extremely depressed, house bound and had NO idea what to do. Doctor's said it was stress. Made no sense to me, again, I always stressed the same way/mindset.

Something triggered my hair loss and I started diving into websites that could help me understand this dis-order. It was my genetic predisposition+_________. I tried to fill in the blank with 'stress,diet, environment, toxins, viruses, infections,' etc,., and nothing made much sense to me. So, I just lived with it. Wore a hat everywhere I went(store, college classes, etc,.,), but I rarely went anywhere anyway. Once, I tried "moducare", an immunomodulator that claimed to hault alopecia and i started growing my hair back in one month(as the book said), and i figured out it was nothing but the placebo effect growing my hair back, which all fell out a few months later. I tried every kind of snake oil on the market and nothing worked, except Kenalog eyebrow shots in my eyebrow areas, which subsequently fell out after a few months. It was like a cat chasing its tail. The moment one area grew hair, the others would fall out, but at least i had SOMETHING and could wear a baseball cap the right way, instead of wearing it way down on my face so you couldn't see my eyes. I just accepted the fact that my body wasn't balanced.

To make a long story short, I had no hair at all since 2003(except a few months with eyebrows with Kenalog), and every day living was crazy to put it lightly. People looked at me funny. Family members made rude comments, like "Wtf happened to you?", or "You look like a monster". I took it with a grain of NaCl, lol, because my family just spoke out loud what other people were thinking on the street or work inside. Didn't bother me as much though, because I HATED shaving and showers only took 5 minutes, now.

That was the ONLY up side to A.U. Down side was I couldn't get a girlfriend unless I paid for her. No social life what-so-ever. Finding a job was next to impossible. How in the hades could I dress nicely for an interview, unless it was something like a second rate warehouse job??!!?? I gave up, hid in my grandma's basement from about 2003 to 2011 when she died. I took care of her while she took care of me, reciprocation. I got a large inheritance of 40K$(which my 'dad' tried to steal, and eventually did steal 5K$ of it-another stressful event in my life's journey), but I was too shaken up to spend my 35K$ wisely, drinking heavily and getting a few tattoos and t-shirts was all i had to show for it. I was broke, and barely surviving being homeless, bouncing from family member to family member, all of them taking advantage of my generousity and money. (another set of horrible events in my life). I ended up being homeless finally, in late April of 2014, after my own kid tried to throw me under the bus(yet another putrid event), and I gave up. No home, no hair, panic attacks, broke, drinking heavily, and extremely depressed and suicidal, picking fights on the streets and sleeping underneath bridges.

I got lucky in June of 2014 with a random encounter, meeting a councilor who helped me get low-income housing, and i've been here every since. I met and married another homeless woman by the way, and bought her a van so we can spend nights together in while we stay here in the day(rules only allow guests from 9-9pm daily).  We're both Altruists/Atheists, so we both always help others before ourselves. Must be some kind of intrisnic value we both possess, but we clicked from the very beginning. We're never separated, except the bathroom, lol. **I'm just laying out some of my history, is all** I happen chance to have found this website and joined it about a week ago(Feb 7th or 8th), and I like what I see, with the new options of JAK-Inhibitors and cream versions coming out(or already out?).

I just set up a Doctor's app't for March 8th to get the ball rolling with the R/A drug "Xeljanz"/Tofacitinib, by Pfizer. I've read/heard a lot of good things about this immuno-supressant and how most are regaining some/most/all of their hair. I'm concocting a regimen of Xeljanz,Moducare,WhitePeonyTea,LowDoseNaltrexone,and Another "Booster drug" to kick-start the Xeljanz and others into growing my hair back, along side being vegan and taking lots of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, teas, etc,., This WILL be the method to get my hair back, at least until they perfect the Stem Cell Therapy treatment for AA/AT/AU. I began my regimen Monday, and my goal is to have my hair back by the end of the year.

I thank you all for taking the time to read some of my life's experiences( a lot of bad things happened that I didn't add that stressed the sh** out of me ), but I'll add those in forthcoming comments as I document this '''WILDSTAR vs A.U.''' journey. All comments and advice are welcome! WISH ME LUCK & HERE I GO...........

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I agree with the plan of sticking with the Xelljanz alone for a about 4 months and see how it goes mixing other things into youre system can possibly interrupt the Xelljanz process good luck to you this disease is a frustrating stress causer in itself only us people that have it can fully understand the stress

I haven't thought about it. But has anyone on Xeljanz been able to grow a big thick beard while on it? When I just had AT, I didn't mind being bald because I still had thick eyebrows and beard. But on Xeljanz could I grow a thick beard like James Harden

Image result for james harden beard

279 × 305 - nextimpulsesports.com
If you are diagnosed with RA or in any case where a doctor is going thru the steps of getting you the Xelljanz approved in most cases they will give you a couple of bottles of the medicine beings they have them on hand from the phameceutical saes person also if you're approved for the assistNce program you will get the medicine for free good luck

I wish you luck my friend!


Good good, thank you to comparte whit us, i hope your hairs back soon.

Any updates? Lul



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