Hi there, I’m Katie. Like everyone here, I discovered some sudden hair loss that has progressively gotten worse with no real answers from doctors other than “wait it out.”

My hair loss is still super new and I feel guilty almost already being so affected by it. I’m having a very difficult time with the “see what happens” model of treatment I was told to follow.

I’m a grad school graduate medical professional and I’ve combed all kinds of research about this topic. Of course there are “options” out there, but I’m really just looking for some insight into what everyone’s initial experience was like. I’m mostly wondering about the timeline of how your hair loss went, remedies you’ve tried, etc.

I haven’t talked to many people about this yet, as it’s still barely noticeable if I wear my hair up completely but it’s quickly progressing. Just trying to prepare myself as much as I can.

Any insight is completely welcome. Teach me!

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first thing is to know what do you have. is it alopecia aerata?
there are many types...
alopecia aerata is different for everyone. you will see 100 people with 100 different stories.
in can be patches, can be totalis or even universalis.
if you have aerata cortisone shot can help in some cases.
if you have totalis or universalis or even major aerata the strongest and most effective treatment is a jak inhibitor. I also believe it's easier yo have full regrowth before all hair fall.

diet does not make a difference.
best of luck... psychologically this disease is crushing you, so stay strong and if it really bothers you and you can't hide it anymore I suggest treatment.

don't hesitate if u have questions

Hi Katie,

when I discovered my hair loss it really threw me for a loop too - so upsetting. Don't beat yourself up about feeling emotionally affected by it. That's completely natural.

Are you losing your hair in patches or in one spot? I first discovered a whopping bald spot (and I mean cueball bald) four inches wide and from the tip of the top of my ear down, late last January. It all seemed to disappear at once. I have no idea what happened.

My GP referred me to a dermatologist but said it would be a six month wait! I was beside myself with worry that I'd lose all my hair. GP started me on topical Betaderm while I was waiting and thankfully the dermatologist wait turned out to be closer to two months than six. Since then I've been getting kenalog shots every six weeks or so and my spot has been filling in pretty nicely. If you're worried and still losing alot of hair I wouldn't accept the wait and see approach. Return to the doctor and/or get a second opinion. There are things you can try. I don't see why you should have to wait.

Katie, that white regrowth is a good sign. That's how mine first started coming back too - white peach fuzz. Now some of that white is pretty darn long and plenty of brown has filled in around it also.

Seriously, I know! Even my GP was very negative when I first showed her the spot which was a blow. Every case is so individual that anything is possible but a lot of people do have success with various methods, or even see the hair regrow on its own.



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