Well, I'm mid sixty's great grandma and feel alone on this site. Got my spot 2 months ago, seems like it came overnight. It's just behind the left brow hairline and seems to be getting slowly bigger. The rest of my hair is getting so thin I can barely cover the spot. BUT--I have collected some scarves, neat hats and a couple head bands that open and cover the whole top of my head (I love those). So guess you could say this is not freaking me out too bad. I have been through back and heart surgeries in the last three years so this is minor (for me). I have not been to derm. as I figure what happens, happens. As long as it's not life threatening and I can still get around, I can handle this on my own. Family and friends are great support and I think that makes all the difference in the world. Whooooo, Long Winded. Thanks for listening. Hope to eventually become familiar with all my new family..
I am not belittling any of your situations or extent of the AA you suffer from...I just have not gotten to that point I guess. If I loose a LOT of hair or even all of it, I will no doubt be crying and asking for help from all corners. I have been reading posts and blogs on here for over a month and I feel the pain and anguish in them. Please know that I hope you will put up with me for awhile anyway.

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You are not alone and even in age. I am in my mid sixties also. I started with one bald spot almost a year ago. Never had it before. It developed one big one and several little ones. It was at one point and I still do, wear wigs and hats and scarves. A couple of months ago I started to have growth on the bald spots and it isn't so noticeable now, but I am still losing hair and my hair is really thinned out, plus I used to color my hair to cover my gray and now I am afraid to put anything on it, even shampoo. I use an unscented glycerin soap. I don't know what I hate most, the bald thin hair or the gray. If I color it and I lose all that hair again, I'll kick myself. If I don't color it, I have to live with the gray and I'm right back with wigs and hats. I hate this not knowing what to expect. You can't even prepare yourself for it. I hate to complain when there are people out there much younger than me and children that have their whole life ahead of them and have to deal with this. I guess it is a little easier to let go of vanity when you're this age, everything else is going. LOL If you need to age relate, I'm here. God bless.
Hi there, i can understand exactly what u r going through. Im 50 and I just got AA and Im freaking out. Even though Im 50, im very active, i work in the fitness industry and am always around people, so im finding this really hard to deal with. Im crying constantly coz its hard to accept this especially as I see myself as a healthy and fit person. Today I found this site, and I already feel better, just writing about my situation and knowing that others are feeling what im feeling. I have a husband and two grown up kids who are very supportive but Im beginning to get them fed up now with all this crying. I see they are hurting also but in a way i want them to comfort me ....................I feel my life has already changed, my self confidence is going, and I hate looking in the mirror now. I lost about 40% of my hair so far.
Color it if you want. Nothing you do or don't do will have any effect on whether you lose more hair or not. Trust me. I know this. What will be will be. Coloring your hair before didn't make you start to lose it, so coloring it now won't change what is happening. My thin straggly hair what is left of it, actually looks "better" if possible to actually say that, when I do color my hair. There are worse things in this life than losing your hair. I know that doesn't make it any easier to deal with.
You are not alone age wise Im pushing 61 and started with aa in May of this year. It started as a fingerprint size spot over my left ear and has grown to about tennisball size along with nine more finger print spots in various areas. I used to have a full head of hair with little receding but now its like a motheaten sweater. I live in a baseball cap 24-7 but that will come to an end when I decide what looks and feels right for me. I feel the same as you basically but on the male side. I'll just go with the flow for now and what happens happens. I havent changed- my hair has. I'll just say Im having a bad hair day or year. Luckily Im out of the dating scene.

Anyway just keep on keeping on. Most people here understand your sitiuation regardless of your age.
Hey Dorna. I feel for you. I turned 50 in May and right after thats when it all started. Got my first patch in July and since then it got worse. It tough, not knowing if its gonna stop or keep falling. I hate my life right now, coz I feel this has changed me. But I guess until we learn how to deal with it, we can never get better. So lets try to deal with it and the possibilities we have. Im thinking about buying a wig next.
Hang in there Dorna, there is still hope



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