Hey people, just Your thoughts please

On many websites and blogs health professionals say that alopecia lasts for around a year in most people and 80% fully regrow their hair back, surely this can't be true?

Majority of People who have had the steroid injections in their head tend to have good re growth but once the injections stop hair loss returns and the hair falls out quicker than ever before. On this basis is it better to not have the steroid shots? What is the longest period before relapse has happened after experiencing re growth from the injections?

Is there anyone on this site who has ever fully recovered from alopecia?

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Lots of people recover from alopecia, especially when it is just a few spots, but most of them don't bother hanging out in Alopecia World after they've recovered.
Well what a shame that is, after suffering from alopecia I'm sure they must have made friends in alopecia world who had supported them through tough times.

Not sticking around to share their experience of full recovery, which would give hope to many people is selfish in my opinion. I hope I fully recover and I will be sticking around :)
Many people with just a few spots and a subsequent recovery probably never join Alopecia World in the first place.

Hi Amr1,

I've had total loss and almost total recovery, and almost total loss again. Some people definitely DO completely recover and don't have another episode. It's totally possible!


Hey Erika, firstly thanks for your reply, I really do hope you have total recovery this time, I'm just looking for hope that maybe this will all go away and I can get back to being normal again. Your answer sure does give me hope :)

Hey Amr1,

i'm also hearing that people recover from alopecia. It might be happening to me, but i'm not sure.  I've recovered at least 3/4 of hair on my scalp, and waited a few years for it to fall out again.  It hasn't.

Now the 1/4 that's left is coming in, and i'm wondering what's going to happen.  

To be honest, i didn't think i HAD alopecia.  I thought it was just  "bi-annual stress". Twice a year, i could literally predict when it was "hair fall" time.  It always happened in April and October.  I'm extremely healthy, athletic, and take supplements, etc.

So far, no fall out. I'm still nursing those 1/4 areas that stubbornly keep falling out and growing in.

My hair came out in those areas in April this year - let's see what happens this October.

Hey, I'm so happy for u that your almost back to having a full head of hair and Hope that it all works out for you in October. Stress does play some factor in my opinion because I can remember feeling extremely down when my younger brother was sent to jail last year. It was around then i noticed spots in my beard. 15 months on and 80% of my beard has gone, I have several patches in my head which are noticeable and a patch on my eyebrow.

I'm intrigued to know how you coped with your hair loss. You are fit and healthy and presume u work out too. Has this helped with your confidence. Has looking good physically helped mask the problems you have had.

I am contemplating having to go bold in the future if my hair loss doesn't improve and because of this I have upped my workouts and have started to bulk up in the gym. I don't know I guess I feel it's going to help me cope better if I have to go bold.

Thanks for your reply, I really appreciate it, keep smiling :)

At least it will make you feel like you have some control over your body and your life. Do what makes you feel healthy and try to be confident. There are some very promising new treatments on the horizon.

promising ?

new treatments ??

horizon ???

in the space below....discuss above.

I developed multiple patches, wore wigs for a time. Didn't get steroid injections. Now, one year later, all my original spots filled in, new one has appeared too but so far it's not noticeable to anyone else. :)

Hey Katniss, thanks for your reply, I'm glad that you have almost recovered and hope your new spot fills in before it becomes noticeable. I have an appointment with the derm but to be honest I don't think I'm going to head down the road of injections and just pray that I some how can recover on my own, Every day is tough but hope is all I have.

Well, I'm a girl, so when my hair fell out? I had to wear wigs. I like wearing short pixie style wig. With muscles, it gives me an edgy look. As my hair grew longer , but still thin, I switched to medium to long wigs. Either style seems draw attention.

Being athletic helped boost my confidence. But it also made me shy away from people in general. When I was fat, people didn't notice me. Some even tried NOT to notice me. They would notice my facial features, but from the neck down I was a "walking water bed".

I went through extremes. Mind and body.  Now after modeling, sports modeling, to bodybuilding.. I'm comfortable being on a maintenance diet, while kickboxing, working out, hiking, power walking, etc.

The first thing that I had to change was my mind set, the rest came afterwards.

Being a woman, and losing my hair was tough..hell, to be honest, some days, it still is!



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