Alopecia World :) First I would like to say THANK YOU, to every one of you on this site that helped me during this difficult journey! I have wanted to post for awhile now, but I just couldn't find the words! It has been such an emotional journey and although I am hoping it is over, I still have all the fears that it will return :( This is very difficult for me to write because I know some of you have unfortunately lost more hair than I had, but I also want to give some hope too. I have had total regrowth! Woohoo :) For those of you that do not know, I ended up losing about 75-80% of my hair, along with a few small patches periodically of eyebrows and eyelashes :( As I was losing my hair, it was very pinkish on the scalp and extremely itchy! It was coming out in clumps and I was devastated! Luckily for me, I was able to wear baseball caps for awhile because it still looked like I had hair in a ponytail...thank you God for giving me so much hair! I had gone through every test under the sun and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Although all doctors said, it was stress for me that caused the hair loss and then causing even more stress...watching it all fall out! I then switched over to the bandanas after the ballcaps were no longer doing their job. After what seemed like forever, my hair finally slowly started growing back in, but not in the way it fell out! It starting filling in from the outside of all "my circles" in and it came back, very strange! It was very thin, like the hair on a new baby's head, with a lot of it being curly. It was almost clear in color, but then, at about an inch long...all of a sudden the pigment/color would go into the hair! Except for the ones that had become permanently grey lol, but like I would always say...I'll take it any color: brown, grey, purple, blue! I didn't care, as long as there was hair! My hairdresser said it was not a coincidence that I had started using a new shampoo...along with going to see a therapist :) That's probably the best thing I ever did! He said because the shampoo had zinc in it, that helped it jump start it's regrowth! I never did injections because the dermatologist said it was just to rapid for that procedure :( I did do one round of steroids though (early on) and I decided not to do any more after that one though. I completely made up my mind, that if this is the way I am supposed to be, then so be it! Anyways, it could be way worse! But with that being said, I never gave up hope that some day in the distant future, it may come back :) I wish each and every one of you total regrowth also :) Thank you again!!!

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I'm so happy for you! You definitely gave me hope!! I started with one patch and just like you said, it caused stress which caused hair to fall which causes more stress. My doctor told me to see a therapist because it has made me so depressed but I kept telling myself I didn't need one. So maybe I should consider it. Right now about 80% of my hair is gone but coming back slowly with the help of the injections. I'm getting married in less than six months so I hope my hair is atleast long enough to attach some extensions to! This is the first time I've commented on this site. I always come here for the support though! Thank you for sharing your story and I wish you a lifetime of happiness and a head full of healthy hair. :)
Awe thank you so much! Yes, stress is a horrible horrible thing! I'm so glad you finally had the courage to took me awhile also! Yes, the best thing I ever did for myself was to, suck it up...and go see a therapist! I was shocked at all the interesting things I learned about myself, but so wonderful to discover! I would recommend it to everyone! Unfortunately, our society today, really looks down upon it and makes us feel like we are weak! That's so not the case! It takes an amazingly strong person to go and truly discover ourselves! That's so exciting that you have an upcoming wedding :) Believe me, as I have will absolutely look beautiful...with or without hair on your head, but I so hope for you to have a total regrowth also by that time! I know how difficult it can be, but just remember, you are beautiful...with or without hair!!! Wishing you ALL the best :)

Cheap Propecia without a prescription - http://о I had heard of Proecia pills for hair loss but had never tried them until I saw that I was losing too much hair. I spent several months following the treatment and quickly saw the results I wanted: strong hair and less hair loss. I highly recommend Propecia.

My story is similar and been having injections for sometime. I feel like it gets worse with seasons. Especially spring. What is the name of the shampoo with zinc you are using?
So sorry you have to go through this horrible ordeal also :( It's funny though that you had mentioned the seasons. Especially the spring because that was also one of my first thoughts when this nightmare had begun. Mine began to fall in April and for about 45-60 days before this, I had been using a nasal spray...almost everyday. In the beginning, I definitely considered every culprit! I did make a reply to the shampoo, sorry about forgetting that IMPORTANT part!!! Wishing you all the best :)

I have also had total regrowth. Almost actually, 99%. There are two very small spots and you cannot even see them because the other hair grows right over. I have had AA for over 20 yrs and this is the first time it has come in this thick. I have had two haircuts in the last 2 months. My understanding is that if you have had alopecia for longer than ten years then your odds of getting it back are very unlikely. Well guess what!? KISS MY ASS ALOPECIA!

WOOHOO Robert, that is awesome and so wonderful to hear :) Was there anything that you think maybe helped yours come back? I so enjoy getting haircuts now. The only odd thing for me was actually having wind blow through my hair again! It was a sensation that I had to get used to again lol.

Awesome news!!!

Hi, I'm happy for you! I know how you feel and I think it is important to share the sucess stories too. I had AU for 3 years and now I have 95% regrowth. I have it for a half year I hope it stays that way! I wish you all the best :)

So happy for you Judy.  I am in the regrowth process too but it takes so long. What shampoo did you use?  It would be good the speed up the process.  

That is so great to hear :) I'm SO happy for you! I too am hoping it will stay for you!
Congrats!!! This is good news for you, and it truly does help me. I'm brand new to all of this, found & identified in the beginning of January (back of my head, short hair). I'm closing in on 60 years old (let's keep that a secret, lol) and NEVER in a million years would I have anticipated this or my horrid reaction to it. It is pretty sad. Damn, it's wwaaayyyy sad, but I have finally passed over to acceptance, however it was a very rocky journey!!! STRESSS for the win, because there is no doubt in my mind that is the cause of all this misery! Where are those magic wands when you need them??? IF only it were that easy! The STRESS that caused this for me started in May, 2013..... I needed to move unexpectedly after 7 years & being alone with Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia it was no easy feat! But it did first become noticeable for me by my eyebrows! Here it was summer, beyond hot, & while with aging the eyebrows seemed less, this summer they were GONE! Some baldness, and I tried EVERYTHING made for brows - but a little sweat and they were GONE! After I finally got it all moved I was set on next summer (this one coming) I was just going to have to get a Sharpie & just draw them on myself, seriously! BUT I am happy to say that "It Cosmetics" available thru QVC or have come out with a 5 in 1 gel waterproof brow pencil, which has got to be as good as a Sharpie!!! IF I had to worry about a significant other I could sleep in it! Actually sometimes I do because it's nice to wake up in the morning and first thing looking in the mirror I HAVE brows! it's strangely comforting to me!!! Really. Growing up I always felt cursed with my naturally curly hair, but it did come with age that I was truly grateful for it. I always kept it cut short, and thankfully if it was too overgrown could chop at it myself because you couldn't tell from it curling up. I was never one who had to carry a brush, as I just fixed it before going out, and all was a well, until this!!!! My hairdresser found my big bald patch in the back, I never would have because I never checked the back of my head!!!! I did go back for a cut in the beginning of March and while the bald spot has some regrowth then, overall it's NOT all rainbows & sprinkles!!! While my hair loss is NOT noticeable to the eye, it IS noticeable to the feel! Just about 80% of the head tho, because the summer is coming when I'm prepared that it will be totally weirdo looking (no doubt, as it is the black cloud over me!) BUT for now I'm just going to keep going on...... I'm NOT checking the back of my head, MORE troubles as my rotator cuff on the right is totally torn on the top (ortho dr has said so bad surgery would NOT help) but I have recently started physical therapy to try to strengthen the rest! I'm on a limited income so NOT going to attempt treatment, although shampoo MAY be a possibility (zinc??? Which BRAND, PLEASE???) not going to do the monoxil or any of that though! I HAVE experienced the Intense ITCHING at times, and while I. Never had hair in my brush, or in the tub drain after a shower, it DOES happen now - but varies in intensity! I have collected scarves over the years so I may end up taking that route! And I truly have always admired the way Muslims tue their head scarves, and I Mean NO disrespect - but if need be THAT may be an option, truly!!! My fingernails while always very strong now are terribly weak, breaking in the middle and unable to grow them as they always were at all, so biotin (?) is on my to try list, RIGHT AFTER I find a doctor to give me a prescription to Valium, my doctor prescribed one month but wants me to find another doctor - mental health to prescribe, BUT I did go today to see a GUY (of course) who only would CONSIDER if I planned to go there regularly, at a cost I just can't handle now!!! PHEW!!!! I'm practicing, ok attempting meditation currently, just really don't have the need for talk therapy now, lol, especially to one who could not even imagine the craziness of this!!! Totally lacking in empathy, and a big part of it really is as of now it's not noticeable to the eye.....just to the hands!!!! But truly I am happy for this has been so difficult for me to reach acceptance, it is a terrible journey for anyone! But has you have proven, and don't hold back on your GREAT NEWS ~ in all of this there is HOPE!!! And that is something we all can carry on with us!!!!



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