I found this company searching on the internet ( http://www.alopeciatrival.com ). The gentlemen there told me they used this treatment successfully in Macedona, where this company is from, as long as the hair hasn't been gone a super long time, in which case it is harder for it to work. He said they moved to Michigan just two months ago. He confirmed that one does just 3 treatments over 3 days, using the cream on one's entire scalp. Has anyone researched or tried Trival ( http://www.alopeciatrival.com )?

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One more in a never ending line of scam products designed to empty the wallets of people with hair loss disease.

In fact, it appears to my editing eyes, that the same fake "testimonial's" copy writer writes for another scam product that also appears on AW with regularity. The one starting with Dr. SG

Don't fall for it. If you bought this stuff and your hair regrew it would be coincidence. In any event, any regrowth attributed to a new irritant on your scalp is only temporary assuming your AA is still active.

While most people who post on AW seem to be honest, when someone comes onto AW and the very first thing they "ask" about is who has tried one of these scam products, you can come to your own conclusion pretty quickly about motivation.


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When I find out that product is from Macedonia, that give me a hope that maybe this can work.
Macedonia is well known for natural remedies, and medicine man who can help you with condition modern medicine can't.
Last year I was even thinking to go there, because I spoke with a person who knew the person who get cured from alopecia by some medicine man. But I find something else and I didn't go after all...

What is strange with Trivia is that you apply it only 3 times?!
I don't know how that can be possible, because like Thea said if you have active alopecija 3 x is not enough.
I am on Ayurveda treatment and I apply oils every single day. My treatment will last for 2 years.
You can not be cured over the night. Healing is the process and you personally must be involved with your energy, positive thoughts... It is a journey in witch you are send to discover many things about yourself and the world surrounding you.

Conclusion :
If I didn't find treatment I am using now, I would probably try everything I can in order to get cured.
Also I spent 100X more money on modern medicine treatment (witch doesn't work, except side affect)... then what is the price of Trivia. I would probably make some mistake in the way, but the most important thing is to never stop searching and trying, because maybe somewhere on the road lay answer for you..

1) can you clearly point to the column/discussion group regarding Dr. SG, or any other stuff on the web that helps to decipher whether or not the testimonials are made up or not. I did a search for "Dr. SG" here and did not find it.

2) I didn't get your statement which appears to be directed toward me: "when someone comes onto AW and the very first thing they "ask" about is who has tried one of these scam products, you can come to your own conclusion pretty quickly about motivation."

I will state I see two primary reasons for a forum like this:

1) as a group of people with the same condition, there is power in us reaching a solution, sharing information objectively in regard to what has worked and what has not, and what appears to be a scam (but objectively, so that individuals and the group is intelligent about the decisions they make), and
2) folks can give each other support until a solution is found.
Your skepticism is understandable , there are a lot of products that don't work and do more damage than good but this is not one of them. The more skeptical people , once they experience the results, spread the word around faster and with more conviction.
lot of people have used it so far with excellent result. The word of mouth is coming around slowly but surely.
Thea -- I just want to add, that your statement "designed to empty the wallets of people with hair loss disease" seems like an incredible "victim statement". No doubt there may well be people trying to make money off unlikely cures (i.e. "scam"), but to put it as they are trying to empty the wallets of people with hair loss disease is an incredible twist on that. Since your post on my other potential treatment discussion, i.e. Treatment - Onion Juice? Does it work, was also a poo-poo, with nothing substantially backing the discussion, I want to call this out to others reading these blogs at this point, and to this one in particular, so they continue to provide any information they have and to be open towards helping all of us find a solution.
Do you not think that if there really were a treatment that worked we would all know about it?
Trival...what a stupid name It's so... trivial....
Just came to market, January 2010.
In time everybody will now about it.
I googled Trival and all I can find is the same word for word sales pitch. They seem to repeatedly state how alopecia is embarrassing. I cannot find any reviews, discussions or research about it.



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