Hello everyone. Previously,  I want to apologize for my potential mistakes in post, cause I’m not so good English-speaker ;)

So, my name is Ksenia, I’m 21 and I’m Ukrainian.

I was diagnosed with alopecia areata 5 years ago, it was terrible and blablabla…my story was absolutely the same as other alopecia stories I’ve read. It was falling-regrowing-falling again-regrowing …since it turned to totalis form with partial loosing eyebrows, eyelashes and body hair. I stoped taking medicines, cause I was just tired, I bought a perfect wig and my alopecia didn’t bother me anymore. But my parents were still worried and my father asked me to try one more treatment.

I was taking it without any hope, but surprise-surprise, suddenly I noticed that my hair are growing back. Now I have eyelashes, eyebrows, body hair and almost 70% of hair and it’s going on. Woohoo! ))

Maybe it just spontaneous regrowth but anyway I’d like to share this treatment with everyone here, maybe it would help someone else. Anyway these medicines are more like homeopathic so they can’t make worse.

Is it here anyone who is interested in things I wanna write? ) 

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Yes please share what has worked well for you ;)

Hello Ksenia

May I ask you what kind of treatment you are using????

Cheap Propecia without a prescription - http://оnlinecheappills.com/catalog/Hair_Loss/Propecia.htm I had heard of Proecia pills for hair loss but had never tried them until I saw that I was losing too much hair. I spent several months following the treatment and quickly saw the results I wanted: strong hair and less hair loss. I highly recommend Propecia.

Lol I see things like this a lot on here. It's like people want you to beg them for information about treatments that they have used to treat their alopecia.

wow. how have you got it? yeap, it was my main goal to make you to beg me

really, calm down, I was just making sure that I'm not talking to vacuum and anyway I didn't make you to read this

I am very calm thank you very much.. Talking to a vacuum really? Lol it's a public forum! I can read and say my opinions as I please!

Hi Xenia, I would be very interested knowing what homeopathic treatment you used...I think we all would like to know.



Yes please i hope ot will work for my daughter she 4 years old

So here is it:

-Lymphomyosot ampull. ( attention! Please, ask your doctor to consult you about everything: 1st week paravertebral injection C5-L4, 2 times per week, than  2nd-3d week intramuscular  injections week  3 times per week, 4th week also intramuscular but 1 time per week; if you don’t have possibilities to make injections, you can also buy Lymphomyosot  in drops and take 30 drops for 0,5 of water – just put it to the water bottle and drink during the day)

-Galium Heel ( from the second week of taking  Lymphomyosot  - 30 drops for 0,5 liter water bottle – for 2 weeks)

- Graphites Cosmoplex S(after you’ve finished taking previous two medicines – 1st month 5-7 drops under tongue 1/day(on an empty stomach), then 2 monthes 15-20 drops for 0,5 liter water bottle during the day) 

mmm. No. Actually this one was created for me by group of doctors included Trichologist, Immunologist and Allergologist

Sounds really complicated.

Hey, Kseniya!  I am also from Ukraine.  It seems your doctors figured the virus nature of the autoimmunity - the system was attacking some viruses rather than their allergens in food etc.  Did you pass tests for the typical viruses (liamblii, epstein barr virus etc, glisti?)

The scheme is quite easy - the first medicine is to improve reaction of the body for any medicine, detoxification, improves blood circulation between cells.  The second and third are very good homeopatic anti viral, anti infection meds. 



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