Hi I've never been on anything like this before I'm not really sure how it works but I am a 17 year old girl I've had alopeica for 5 years I've lost close to 75% of my hair when I was in middle school and wore hair pieces to hide it because kids would make fun of me and try to pull my hair But recently this year I grew almost all my hair back and it was the first time I didn't have to hide I could go swimming I could let people touch my hair I felt like a normal teenage girl...for about 5 months and now it's falling and I told myself that I wouldn't get attached to the feeling of having hair again but I couldn't help it and I am devasted.

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Oh sweety, my heart goes out to you. My daughter is 16 and I know that's just a really tough time in general. All I can say is, you feel what you gotta feel. If you're angry, don't stuff it, punch a pillow or scream into it. If you're sad, cry it out.



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