I finally had to admit that I had a problem when a student told me the other day, "Hey! I like your mohawk!" Seventh graders--gotta love 'em. I thought my hair on the top covered my completely bald rest of my head, but apparently denial only works on me, and not others. Sigh. So. I went to the doctor, who sent me to a dermatologist. Nine tubes of blood and one cup of pee later I still feel just as bad. My hair was always my best feature. Now, at 46 when everything else is starting to "wind down" a bit, I have to lose my hair, too?! Although I haven't missed having to shave my legs at all. Trade offs. I feel very uncomfortable and exposed. Insecure and sad. Scared. Worried. Guilty about feeling so bad when its "just hair". (blink blink)

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Big hugs to you hon.

Fortunately for me, until a few years ago my coverage was so good, people just thought I had a head scar from an accident. They didnt see underneath because the hair was so thick.

Dont feel down for feeling down, anyone would in our situation. A lot of people poo poo our feelings saying its only hair, but they usually have theirs.

Try and look on the positive side if you can, I know it can be difficult at times, since remission can happen at any time after any length of time we must keep hold of that thought.
Thanks for the response! I'm trying to reach out and talk because I feel very alone here. Thanks again. :)
You know to get me through this difficult time with my 3 yr old son I always said its just hair, but really it isnt just hair! If youve had it for your entire life with thin, sparse, or a headful YOU DID HAVE IT and now thats its going away a part of you is leaving with it! That is until you realize in your own time that is really is only hair and you make you who you are!!! Mikey had long hair until we shaved his sparse hair and while it still hurts me, he looks at photos of himself and will tell me he misses his big hair so I know now that even at the tender age of 3 it isnt just hair!
Thanks for sharing. I can't imagine how I would explain this to one of my children. I'm glad it's happening to me, and not to one of them. I send Mikey tons of love. :)
It is just hair but your hair is a big part of you!

Insecure and sad is understandable, but why or what are you scared and worried about?



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