I am new to this forum but have had alopecia universalis for 3 years. I have a Jon Renau human hair wig hand tied as well as a mono top synthetic wig. I wear them for different reasons. One to the gym, the human hair one to town and shopping. My problem is this: I am active, I swim (wearing a bathing cap on my bald head) go to the gym, kayak a lot. I will not stop doing what I enjoy because of this condition.
In 2 weeks I am going on a kayaking course and I know I will have to swim, do rescues and get my head wet. I have to wear a wig and figure the human hair one looks more natural wet than the synthetic. I purchaces some Walker Extenda-Bond mini tapes and the solvent and scalp protecter that was suggested. I did a trial run yesterday to see how it worked. I only attached the tape (1/2 a piece) to the little plastic tabs at the side near the ears. It seemed to hold but in the middle of the night I easily removed it so it cannot have bonded properly. What am I doing wrong when they say these bonding tapes can last a month? I am losing sleep worrying about my wig coming off at the course. Do I need to tape it in more places, use bigger pieces? This is not a lace front wig but I might be able to tape it in more spots. Any help or suggestions will be really appreciated.