I just went to the dermatologist today, first time in 6 years. My AA is out of control and I wanted to seek some help. I won't do shots so I asked for an alternative. The PA prescribed me Anthralin Solution and Clobex Spray. Has anyone tried these two together without shots and had any good results? The next step for me will be shaving my head.

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My daughter used Anthralin cream and Clobex combination and Rogaine for six months last year with mixed results. She had lots of regrowth but the hair did not stay. Give it a try, it might works for you.
Be careful when using Anthralin. It stains everything. One quick tip, before washing your hair, use olive oil or make up remover to remove the cream first, it will make clean up much easier.
Good luck,
Thanks for the advise Myem. I actually have done some more research and I don't like the side effects of either. I'm just going to help what happens happen. If I am truely meant to not have hair then I will just not have hair. Might be having a shaving party soon. LOL

Hi Julia, I'm Lesleigh, and I have totally switched to all Human hair wigs. The sythetics itched me so badly. It took me a while to learn this trick I will share with you. I used to use a basin and had the tangles bad, even tho mine are high grade European sheitels. Now I wash in the kitchen sink, (cleaned of course) with the sprayer, or tap, if you have no sprayer, keeping the hair in the natural downward position. Just like they do at the salons. Guess that's why they do it that way huh? I suds it up real good in this position, wash the cap inside and out really well and rinse, still with it hanging down straight. Then I condition well, with a good conditioner. I use pantene long and strong. Sometimes, I'll leave the conditioner a few minutes. Then I rinse well, still with the hair hanging downward. Then I squeeze out as much water as I can. Lay it on a towel and roll it and press several times, and hang to dry. If I want to blow dry, I let it dry a little while before, but blow while it is still damp to acheive the wave I want. I hope this helps you. I never get tangles now!! xoxo



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