Anyone had the vaccine, or is going to get vaccinated? Or maybe someone who had covid with Alopecia?

As Alopecia is an alteration in the immune system, maybe a more active immune response against a specific protein. That is what I hear from my dermatologist. I am afraid the vaccine might trigger a dangerous response. Please start the discussion

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Hi guys,

I have had both doses of Moderna vaccine and to date, no shedding or any difference from pre-Covid vaccination.  I am one month out from second dose. Just wanted to bring hope to all of you!

Great news. Thanks for sharing. Keep safe.

Hi there...thanks for sharing and great tread here. I have AU and on antidepressive medication . Need to book a time for vaccination soon but a bit afraid if it´s safe for people with autoimmune disease as this group were not in the clinical trials. Can not decide what to do...

As you might have read in this tread, many people are already vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine. I believe most of them are still alive :-) What are your worries?

Btw: I also have antidepressant medication (mirtazapine), not for AU though but a very hard period in my life. 

Morning and thanx for your reply. I also have Mirtazapine as medication so maybe it´s a sign ;)

Feels much more calmer now. Will book the vaccination next week. 

Keep us updated, all the best

I certainly will do. Have a nice weekend!

And? Everything OK? :)

Hello! I’m female 44, have had AU for 8 yrs, and have had some regrowth of lashes and various body hair here and there. Got 1st Moderna dose Tues, no effects except sore arm. Lashes still hanging on. Will report back in June after 2nd dose. This forum helped put my mind at ease seeing that there doesn’t seem to be any  reactions specific to Alopecia. Thanks for all the info everyone! Good luck to you all. 

Hi all - female, 52, AU, have 100% regrowth on JAK 1/2. Got AstraZeneca April 20th - and now have lost a third of each eyebrow. I can honestly say I wish I had not got the vaccine, but felt it was my moral duty to do so. My disease has definitely flared as a result of the vaccine.

Thank you for the information. How were the AZ side-effects?

Other than the hair loss? Achy and tired for about four hours the following day. 



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