When I was 2 I lost my all my hair within a few days they tell me.  My mom lived in an isolated area with and was very young when she had me and didn't get around to getting me immunized until I was 3.  My sister and I both got the german measles and the ordinary kind of measles.  My sister at age one got insyphilitis and soon after I lost all my hair. I wonder if we were immunized would we have had a stronger immune system? Also now that we're in our 50's she has developed breast cancer and I have full on Schleroderma, along with raynauds and sjorgrens disease.  I think it would have helped me to have had been immunized to this day...

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I don't know, but my daughter lost her hair right after her 1 year vaccinations.  Immunizations have changed alot over the years, but the newest research says that by not letting our kids get some of the childhood disease ( say chickenpox ), they are unable to build up their natural antibodies to fight other diseases.  ( cancer ).   Its so complicated and the information is often slanted toward the big pharm companies.  All I know for sure, is when I was growing up we had 14 vaccinations from birth through high school, nowadays kids take 72 vaccinations and we are one of the most sickest countries.  



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