I'm thinking to actualy shave my head and buy a vacuum wig because there's hardly any hair on my head and I have no confident so I'm hoping,well I know if I got something that wont come off at all when I go swimming or horse riding it won't come off so I was wondering how long did it take for your vacuum wig to come all together including the appointments?
and how much does a 14inch wig cost (just dark brown with a bit of curl in it)?

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Hello Liv

If you go to the Freedom Wigs website then to the 'contact us' page you will see there list of Independent Agents worldwide. To get the answers to your questions you really need to talk to an IA as pricing etc. is set by each individual business, they will also be able to tell you how long it takes to get a Freedom Wig from the country you live in.

My daughter wears the Freedom Wig and I remember very well how she and I felt when the decision to shave her head was made. It was difficult but empowering... don't rush into this decision, take your time and only do it when you feel you have all the information to be empowered with the choice to take your hair away.

Freedom Wigs are great, but do your homework and ask as many questions as you need answering when you talk to your IA of choice.

If I can help with any information feel free to pop into my page and ask - just message me.

Good luck with everything.


Hi Liv

I'm pretty much in the same place as you and have taken the decision to shave my hair off. I decided on a vacuum wig and have had the mould done of my head so am waiting for the fitting of that. Should be about 4 weeks from now.

Whilst shaving was quite a drastic step it was also liberating as I felt in control rather than being dictated to by which bit of my hair was going to disappear next.

I'm expecting my vacuum wig will be ready at the end of September or early October.

Good luck with your decision and don't do anything until YOU are ready.



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