Dealing with hair loss at work can be really tough, and I'm sorry you're going through this.
For medical leave, review the Family and Medical Leave Act: https://www.dol.gov/whd/fmla/ The state in which you work may have additional legal provisions about medical leave.
If you have health coverage through your work, you should find out whether your benefits cover mental health services. If yes, it might be wise to seek out a therapist who can help you cope right now. If your benefits don't cover mental health, try looking for a psychologist or therapist who accepts sliding scale payments.
You can have a look at the remy hair extensions.They may be helpful to you.
Hvis du får sygefravær, misunder jeg dig alvorligt. Retfærdig. Mit arbejde kræver maksimal opmærksomhed og konstant tilstedeværelse på kontoret. Dette gør mig sårbar over for sygdom (covid, influenza). Min chef giver mig dog ingen favoriserer. Jeg er nødt til at bruge antibiotika - https://dk-apotek.com/zithromax/ Det hjælper mig med at komme tilbage i form, når jeg er forkølet.
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