The first time I tryed It the gal was slow It hurt, I liked the result's but It was'nt happening again. Then I was talking with a gal at a party, told her how the first girl did It, and she said " that dont sound right, that's not how I do It". So I thought "ok one more time" that should take care me ever doing It again,now, glad I took her up on the offer, It was fast,not much hurt really, about 20 buck's , and you can bet this summer I wont have people comming up to me asking about the black spot's on the back of my head, I cant put a price on that, anyway for now I feel a little better about me, again I am the "Waxie" not the "Waxer" I can tell ya what I know, I know Its not for those who think ther hair might grow back, I'm 50 and have had horrible spot's for 15yrs I've given up, so keep that In mind, please dont write me telling me your not cool with It, that's your choice, I dont need to know that, and I might responde nice the first time, take care everyone