This summer, while visiting friends and relatives in Bulgaria I met this mom and her sweet little boy named Marko with alopecia universalis. My heart felt for them! One afternoon I took my son to a busy play ground so he can socialize with the local kids and practice the language. The play ground was busy and filled with kid’s laughter and bubbling voices. As soon as the mom and Marko stepped on the play ground, the other moms started calling theirs kids and leaving the play ground. 2 minutes later the busy play ground turned into a quiet desert. There were my son, me, Marko and his mom only. Marko was standing on the big play ground, all by him-self looking at it. After the shock from what I saw I busted in tears just watching Marko's disappointed face and thought to my-self: “He is too little to take that!”. And than I looked at the mom, she was sitting right there, quite sad tears were slipping down on her face. She nod her face and sad: "This is how it has always been, but now is getting even harder because he really wants to meet and play with other kids.". I asked my son to play with Marko even that Marko was much younger than him. I was so glad to be able to explain the situation to him in English, so Marko didn’t understand us. And I was so proud with my son being the big boy here (and he is only 6) and playing with the little boy in such an honorable manner. Later when we were able to talk more about it my son expressed a wish that he will play with Marko every day so he can protect him from all the mean kids that are running away from him. This is how I befriended Mila, the mom and the little sweet Marko. And this is how I became acquaintance with a very sad story. Marko was born premature and there were a long fight for his life and when the things kind of started turning almost OK he got the alopecia. I learned about all the doors she did knocked on and they all stayed close for Mila and Marko. No body recognizes the alopecia as a medical condition, so you don’t get help. No body cares about how the people with alopecia feel no body care how the kids with alopecia feel. Yes, Mila and Marko were left on theirs own. Literary! She doesn’t have a job because no day care would take a kid with alopecia. Once he was excepted in a day care but a couple of month later they were asked to leave because Marko’s look was disturbing the kids and the parents started to pull out theirs kids from the day care. Now Marko and Mila have to survive on the social security money. 168 levas per month. This is a little bit over 100 dollars per month. They get a little bit of help from the grand parents, Marko’s big sister is working and helping, friends do help from time to time and Marko’s father was helping for a while, too. Now he doesn’t want to know about the kid because he is embarrassed from his look. He left the apartment where they were living and Mila sad that now he has a profile on all singles sites. They weren’t married and she can’t file for child support because she can’t afford a lawyer. And even if she can, she won’t get more than 40 levas child support as the father officially is unemployed. It is very little that they can afford and they really use to enjoy one of the very few free things – going to the play ground. Well, now they can’t do even that. Every time they show up there all the kids are either running away or start hitting Marko. He is only 2 years old and he already knows what it is like to be different. This is Marko’s story in short. I’m addressing everybody here as I really want to help them but I don’t even know where to start from. Please, I will appreciate any help. Where to go, what can I do? I already translated few articles for her and did send her some money but there must be something else that I can do. Any help, hopes, ideas and information is highly appreciated! Thank you for reading it.

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