Hi all,
I thought I would post this discussion as vacuum wig technology is not readily known by everyone as are the lace wigs, synthetics, and I receive this question often about my hairpiece.
A vacuum wig is a hairpiece that is custom created for the wearer from start to finish. A mold of the person's head is created, and then a silicone base is made from this form. The silicon base is medical grade, hypoallergenic, soft, flexible and breathable. Silicone has a natural affinity to skin and so once the hairpiece is correctly fitted onto the head, a natural "suction" occurs which prevents the hairpiece from coming off unannounced.
The latest cap is thinner and more breathable than the first prototype and allows natural dissipation of heat and sweat. If one exercises, then heat and sweat will exceed the rate the cap can handle and the sweat will collect and run down the nape of the neck and temples as would natural sweating.
This type of hairpiece is AWESOME for active people like myself, as it is completely secure, extremely comfortable (no itchiness from hair ends or fabric caps) it looks natural, and I find it extremely clean as you wipe the inside of the cap out daily with antibacterial soap. The latter is especially handy when you work out as the inside of the cap does not remain damp all day (this irritated my scalp the most when I wore other hairpieces).
I just thought I would write about this as many people have no idea what vacuum wigs are and I really believe they are a fantastic option for permanent hairloss.

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Thanks for all of this information! One question that I have for you is this: I have AGA but am contemplating shaving my head. Would the vacuum work in this situation? Also, how long do they take to make? Thanks so much! Your piece looks amazing!

Hi stoid912,
Thank-you.I understand all the emotions around the headshave (been there...it's not easy)and know that it is only a decision for you to make. In terms of the vacuum working with shaved head...yes it works. In fact several people have regrowth at certain times with their alopecia and continue to shave their head to avoid the trauma of the hair falling out again. The shaving routine does need to be upkept daily for the piece to work. sidenote- I have a patch of regrowth (20% of my head) and don't bother shaving and my hairpiece still stays on brilliantly! To make the hairpiece, it takes 3-4 months on average. A mold is taken of your head and approximately 3 weeks later a fit-cap and hair sample of your actual selection of hair is sent to you. Once everything is approved for fit and color your hairpiece begins creation. There have been times when hairpieces have taken longer to wait and it is due to a shortage of European hair...but the company has a really good hold on supply so this issue comes up very infrequently. Hope this helps...good luck in your search.

Thanks Jennifer! I am really interested in this option as I'm a runner and also a basketball coach...need something that let's me be active. Ideally I would have a vacuum wig ready for me right after I decide to shave but I guess that would be kind of tricky;) I appreciate all of your info so very much!!



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