Hey guys just wondering when you had alopecia what have you had tested,

graves disease <-- i have some symptoms towards that but not enough to be sure about it

my gp had me do a few blood tests which im unsure what they were (going to ring tomoroow and find out)
can i just have a list of things you would test after getting it?
Alopecia Areata is what I have at this point,
if it gets to au or at ill deal with it and move foward but while at its early stage I want to go out and find anything and everything and make sure i havent missed anything that could of solved this (although no one knows anything about it really)
ya never know so pleasseeeee what have you had tested?

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I had
Thyriod funtion
Blood Count
somthing bio

anything else?
I had a CBC and comprehensive metabolic panel (that looks at all your electrolytes, liver, and kidney function). I also had thyroid testing, ferritin, an ANA to rule out lupus, and a scalp biopsy to confirm my diagnosis when I started going into AU.

I have recently seen an integrative medicine doctor who also ordered a celiac panel, Vitamin D levels, Selenium, Zinc, and a few other metals.

Needless to say, other than the biopsy that showed AA, all my testing was negative.
okay thanks,
just befor i accept having it I wanna rule out anything that may be casuing it



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