Twenty years ago after a complete hysterectomy my body hair stopped growing. I havent had to shave under my arms or legs in 20 years, but I do have pubic hair. The hair on my head, brows and lashes has so far remained and pray God it stays. Recently over the course of 3 or 4 months my eyebrows are GONE, completely, I didn't even notice they leaving my face.

Whats next? does this mean the hair on my head will soon be falling out. I'm 61 years old and its thinning but I would assume that comes with age, I've had a thyroid check (ok) and have yet to have a hormone test (is there one?) Doctor says I have Aolopecia, and all I can do is use an eyebrow pencil. He said the brows MAY grown back, but I'm just afraid I'll loose the hair on my head and my eyelashes. Has anyone else had this experience after a hysterectomy, Its been over 20 years so why now am I loosing hair? He also said I may have an autoimmune disorder, what is that? Should I worry? Thank you all for this group.

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There are several autoimmune disorders...alopetia is just one of them from what I have learned...I have no hair anywhere on my body....and I was told this is due to an autoimmune disorder...perhaps brought on by stress....I had tons of blood work done and it was all okay ..I have been to derma, gp, endo...and they all have said the same thing...we just don't know enough about this I have just given up on the doctoring stuff and figure if it is gonna come back it will and if it is not I will just be sleek the rest of my days...from a Hairy Italian Girl to a Sleek Italian Woman...
It all started in January 2008 (if you look at my pictures you can see it was just a spot in the back) and within 5 days all my hair was gone on my head, then in about 2 weeks everything everywhere....I did have a lot of crap going on at the time...a divorce, job loss after 18 years, and death of a 23 year old step son...all within 6 months or so...I went to the derma and got on a 4 to 6 months prednisone therapy...and clobetasol, rogaine on my hair then came back to all that white hair you see in my photos...but nothing anywhere else....this all came out again in Jan of this year....I am not going on prednisone again it is too hard on the body and I don't believe the results are permanent so why do that...I am sure mine is stress, hormones, and probably a compromised immune system....I too had a great head of thick dark haIr....but I don't anymore, so I just have to try and get through this the best I can...I do know there are much worse things than alopecia as I have seen them in my family...and I try to keep that in mind....but none the less it is still difficult at times....I wish you the best and if you ever need to chat feel free...we all need it...I sometimes feel very, very alone even though I am with my folks and they are supportive...they just really don't understand..take care.



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