A few months before I got married (~2 years ago now), my left eyebrow started losing hair. I didn't think anything of it at first, but soon there was a gap in the middle and it was growing larger - I pencilled it in for wedding photos/job interviews, etc. I tried homeopathic treatment as well as rogaine, neither of which slowed the progress. About 6 months ago, I went to a dermatologist who said it was alopecia. He recommended cortisone injections, which I got for 3 months in a row. My eyebrow grew back almost completely!

Then I got the bill - each visit was nearly $100 AFTER 80% insurance coverage. That was more than I could afford, so I stopped getting injections. As the doctor said might happen, the hair has started to fall out again. Is there anywhere cheaper I could go to get cortisone injections other than a dermatology clinic? Thanks in advance.

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There's a technique to doing these. Volume of medicine in syringe. Gauge of needle. Depth and spacing of injection sites. Most departments of dermatology at major medical centers will have clinic days where dermatology residents are working under the guidance of board certified specialists.

You could read up on the best practice protocol and discuss it with the resident before having the treatment done.

You could also discuss a payment plan with your regular physician if you want to still use him/her...or discuss the cost and ask that person to make a recommendation for a colleague or teaching facility that might charge less.

Or just add up the extras the optional things you buy every month ( $5 here $5 there) and stash it away in an eyebrow fund.




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