I've been losing my hair for the past year but not really recognized what was going on. Now my hair loss has sped up, my hair is disgustingly thin, hair is EVERYWHERE and I don't know where to even start.
I'm not losing it in chunks, its just thinning like crazy and I'm only 22! Where do you start? I plan to wear wigs when the time comes, but when do you start? How bad do you let it get before covering your head with a wig? Do I shave my head or leave what hair I have left?
I'm just about to start my career in engineering and I don't want people do doubt my capabilities because I have nasty thin hair. How do you transition from thinning hair to "poof", the next day you show up with a full head of hair (aka a wig).
By the way, this website is FANTASTIC!!

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Hi Lauren,
I am much older that you but have the same issue. I have been buying wigs, cutting them down myself to form a topper. I do this only because the toppers that I had the opportunity to try on looked ridiculous on me. However, if I lived near a wig specialist or a nice wig salon, I would try on better made ones. I think if you can transition into a topper first it would be helpful. I still have hair all over, but it is very thin. It is extremely thin on top and on the sides. I love the cut down wigs....they are more comfortable and I feel better being able to blend my own bio hair in with them. I will transition into a full wig if necessary, but for me the cut down wig works for now. BTW, if anyone knows of a good salon in the Cincinnati or Columbus Ohio area, please give me a heads up. Or in the area of Lexington or Louisville, Ky. I live in a rural area, but am willing to drive 2 or 3 hours to find a place with a good inventory to try things on. I have looked online, but I am leery of buying one that way. I know from past experience that sometimes the wig I thought I would like looks terrible on me and then one that I would never pick out looks good. It is so hard to find a good, natural looking affordable wig. I did read Henry Margu are better made shelf ready wigs, but I don't own one of those. I have 2 Gabor's and one Estetica. I have found the Gabor wigs very dense..... my stylist is very hesitant to thin them for me....she is afraid she will ruin them. :-( I have been watching youtube videos in an effort to learn how to thin them myself. Hair loss is devastating, but I am thankful I found this site. This is my first reply.

Thanks everyone for your feedback! I havent shaved it yet. I've come up with a method that someone else told me to do for determining when its the right time to shave. Everyday when I do my hair, I get a little stressed out and want to shave it off, but I get a little over dramatic because I'm still getting away without people noticing (or at least so I think). So I tell myself "Ok, if today your hair completely stopped falling out, yet didn't get any better or worse, could you live with it?" So far, its always been "yes", but soon enough, I know I will say "no", and I will shave it away. I haven't told any friends about my hair loss but I have told my family and thats been a big help having someone to talk to when i really get down. I'm almost kind of wishing my hair would hurry up and get to the bad-enough phase that I can with complete confidence shave my head. That being said, becaues I plan on wearing wigs, I'm terrified of overheating. I'm the kind of person who sweats more than the next so I'm worried I won't be able to handle the heat of wearing a wig!!

Anyone tried Tori by Estetica? Mono top, looks so pretty.


It's hard to make the decision to wear a wig and or shave your head to do so. I believe heart and soul that there is alternatives out there that you will feel comfortable with. Nothing is going to replace your biological hair...I wish I could do that for you by *snapping* my fingers or *Twitching* my nose, but I don't have those powers. :)

I understand how you feel...my daughter felt the same way, as did I. This is scary whether it be FPB or alopecia areata/totalis/universalis or the other forms of long term hairloss. It's all difficult. What you may find helps is talking to people and getting their experiences. Everybody has an opinion and may be able to help with future decisions.

As with water skiing, I thought I would put the below photo to show you that it is achievable in a good wig. This is a Freedom Independent Agent in Canada water skiing with her wig...:) This type of wig may not be an alternative for you but if the worst was to happen (and all your hair disappear) you can find your way, you can live similar to the way you do now. :)

Jenn has made her own decisions around the security of her hairpiece, while using common sense. It works well for her.




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