Hi, I have Au and for the past couple of months I have a lot of white fine hairs al over my head. Has anyone had this? Does this mean anything? Trying not to be too hopefull, but hope is what keeps everything in perspective.

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Hi Natalie,
I was diagnosed with AA a little over a month ago and also noticed the fine white hairs growing on my largest spot. I am currently using Betamethasone DP creme to try and stimulate regrowth so I don't know if that is what is causing the fine white hairs or if it is just part of the process. This is all new to me and this website has been very helpful since my doctor just told me, "There are worse things". Of course she is right but she's not the one losing her hair.

I will be waiting to see what everyone else has to say about it. It would be great if it does mean the start of some regrowth. Take care. Trish
Hi Natalie,
I developed AU 21 years ago, I am currently totalis as I was able to grow my eyebrows and eyelashed back about 18 years ago, but I have always had the 'white fine hairs' all over my head. Rarely do they grow to any significant length but everyone once and a while some of them gain pigment and come through brown. I know that it can be very frustrating and I don't want to lable it as 'false hope' because every case is different, but they have never ammounted to much for me.
Good Luck... anything I can do!



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