I know this subject has been addressed on AW, but I can't locate the discussion.

For the first time in exactly 3 years since becoming AU, I have tiny white hairs sprouting all over my scalp. It's kind of freaking me out to see ANYTHING up there since it's been smooth and shiny for so long.

I had fairly dark brown hair when it all departed, but this fuzz is all white. It seems to be all over my scalp, but I think there also are bare areas. At the same time, I'm also experiencing substantial regrowth of my eyebrows, lashes, and facial hair (but that has come and gone before.) The rest of the body is still bare.

Can anyone who's had this white fuzzy scalp growth tell me if it means anything in terms of "real" scalp hair returning? Am I just going to have a crop of short white fuzz, or is this possibly an indicator of something more? I'm trying very hard not to obsess about this, but it's just so weird for me to have anything up there. I know that it's gotten INTO my head because I had my first "hair" dream in a long while a few days ago. ( ;-)


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Hey Mary,
On my first initial visits to dermatologist, I was told that IF hair did grow back that it might be white and curly (I had straight blond hair). I do have the white fuzz from time to time on my head but nowhere else. Most of the time it is just fuzz and then sometimes I have one or two hairs that sprout out about an inch or so - (my Alfalfa look) Its at that point that I shave my head again. I have tried to let it grow but so far the fuzz stage is about as good as it has gotten. However my eyebrows, lashes have not shown any growth, which you say yours have.
I hope and pray that this is re-growth for you. :)
Thanks! I'm going to take some pics of my strange mutant eyebrows and post soon. I'm trying not to get too attached to them. ( ;-)
I'm like you. Right now, I've got a few dark scraggles on my head but mostly light colored fuzz. Nothing in terms of brows or lashes. This happened last summer, too, and then I seem to have lost the fuzz over the winter. Maybe it's a seasonal thing???
Hey Mary! Im currently going through the same situation. Since august, I first noticed white hairs on parts of my body and now i have darker hairs coming through throughout my body a few on my eyebrows and the majority of my eyelashes (and its the best feeling ever to have those eyelashes again). My head now has uneven white fuzz all around. I thought it might be from diet changes or the fact that i started thyroid meds, but I'm really not sure whats going on. I hope it keeps growing for both of us!
Good luck, Jen! I think we all have to accept that AA is going to do whatever it wants...I don't believe that there's anything I've done or can do which will alter the course.
I just posted some photos of my strange eyebrows. I always had very thick, bushy and unplucked eyebrows...they were my favorite feature. This photo show them in January 2008, before they first departed:

Here's what my faded brow tattoos looked like with no hair regrowth and no makeup in October 2010:

And, here's the first of 4 photos taken today - hit "next" to see all 4. You can see what the permanent makeup looks like under the lash and brow growth. The brown eyebrow tattoos have faded and gotten reddish; the black eyeliner has gone blueish. I'm still glad I had the tattoos:
p.s. I'm putting white easy to remove medical tape on my eyebrows overnight to try to tame them and get them to go where they're supposed to! Looks pretty funny, but the eyebrow hairs are starting to get the idea.
Mary, from one who was graced with Groucho Marx-like eyebrows, if you put some vaseline on them at bedtime, smoothing them into the direction you want them to go, they'll go that way. I have the white fuzz very dispersed in odd spots on my head. It looked like dirt and I kept rubbing and then I saw few white scruff very, very spread out.
I find it interesting how many AU people seem to be having this fuzz recently. Myself included. It all started out white, now pigmented hairs are slowly showing up, and body hair etc returning. But its not remotely full regrowth for me and my eyelashes and brows are more not-there than there, but still...wonder if its just that a thread was started or for some reason a lot of people are having a change in AA chemistry. Interesting.
I am expriencing the same thing too! My eyebrows have tiny white hairs growing out and a few black ones! Where as my eyelashes are turning from white to gray and to black! Its getting thicker too. As for my head, the white fuzz started appearing about a month ago, it has grown slightly! Hope this means regrowth for us! I hope and pray that this is regrowth for you! (:
Hmmm I had some fuzzy white hair regrowth. It was a very coarse texture. After some months it got some pigment but I haven't experienced full regrowth so the little I have I shave off as my wig adheres better to a bald scalp. However if it wasn't for my wig I would be tempted to grow it into a mohawk :)
My husband says mine's kind of in a mohawk pattern....who knows! ( ;-)



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