Just wondering who had recovered from alopecia areata or any other kind of alopecia on this site, and has you had successful treatment or has it reoccurred?

How long did it take for you to start recovering?

I know theirs some other threads but not many people replied to them.

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Hi! I had my first spot at 17 yrs, and then I had no spots for 20 yrs! Now at 37, I have two, and I'm waiting for them to grow out..

Glad you posted this, David.

I've went from Alopeica Barbae to AT and then to AU in a matter of 7 months. Last month (feb 5th) I started the AIP diet and I'm beginning to see some regrowth. Not much on my head but quite a bit of white-hairs all around my face. I had to shave the other day. So, that's progress. Hopeing for complete regrowth!
My daughter began with AA at 8 yrs old, lost all hair within 8 months, had a full head of hair by the time she was ten, kept it for close to a year and Is now progressing to AT again at age 11. She was on DPCP when it grew back, but it stopped working or never worked in the first place because it was a natural remission.....who knows can't wait for some answers for us all!

Thanks for the thread..

I didn't think it was possible, but the first sign of alopecia for me, was my fingernails.  I have these ridges, and white spots through out all 10 of my nail beds.  That should have been my first clue..

My hair would grow, and fall out repeatedly every 4-6 months.  Usually it would come out in clumps and leave these thumb shaped bald spots.

As my nails became "rougher" looking (i can't describe it any better?)..  and the white spots increased in the nail beds..The worse the hair fall. It became very apparent in 2005.. The hair fall, went from thumb-sized bald spots to palm sized, then basically, 3/4 of my entire scalp was bald, with small diffuse patches left over, which fell out eventually.  This also included with the seasonal fall out?  My eyebrows (diffuse bald patches), and eye lashes.

I spent thousands of dollars on supplements (hair vitamins especially), cheap wigs, more supplements, more wigs, from 2007 - 2017. 

I finally quit my job working in the medical field, and to this day, i'm learning to finally relax and have this strange past time called "fun".. I suffer from PTSD, depression, and anxiety..

Since, i've quit my high stress job 2 years ago? No more than 6 months ago, my hair began growing back.  What helped?  Being able to eat healthy, better quality/fitting wigs with a WIGRIP which keeps the hair from being chafed, rest (without being on call 24/7), and hair massages with Pumpkin Seed Oil..

I researched it.. It's cheap, and massage with it 2x a day.. It's a natural DHT blocker..

Before? I still had episodes of hair growing in - then falling out again.  I learned that i was ordering my wigs two sizes too large, which shifted around on the top, sides and back of my head even with a WIGRIP.

Buying the correct size, made a huge difference, and in the last 6 months, there is less hair fall..

Now i'm down to just a 1/2 palm sized bald spot that's filling in with little curly q's on my right temple.  One day, i'll have a full head of hair probably by next year.  If it falls out again.. Well, hell, it won't be the first time..:(

So here's another update from me. I had several spots some years ago. I think I lost 30% of my hair at the worst, and I had 7-10 spots at the most. But the last one was juli 2016 (about two years ago). Now their all grown out. I don't consider myself recovered, but I at least consider my self lucky. For now. :) 

I had aa 17 years ago.  got a round of shots and a topical and it grew back right away.  no other episodes for 15 years then I was slammed with au and lost all my hair everywhere within a month.

So, not recovered.  Just in remission.

I had AA since I was 10 yrs old and right through till I was 40 (was able to conceal the patches with masking creams and sprays) Then I got AT at 41. No scalp/leg/arm hair. Beard gone apart from moustache. My moustache,eyelashes and brows were maintained as well as arm pit hair (hence AT not AU). Was like that for exactly 2 years. 2 months ago I noticed fluff on my scalp after NO treatment. Presently I’ve got tiny white hairs all over my scalp that are sticking up straight about 1 inch to 2 inches. My entire hairline is being corrected and reformed. It’s bizzare because this can only be seen when strong light is applied to the scalp but it’s getting more apparent that the hair is regrowing every day. 

Ps , I’ve been using 5% minoxidil rogaine for the past 6 weeks , twice per day. Only treatment I’ve been using and I’ve no idea if this is a contributing factor to the extra growth since the initial fluff 2 months ago. 



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