I have a wig I purchased from Flora and need to get it cut and styled. Does anyone have any recommendations in NYC? I didn't get it cut by Flora because she cut one wig too short and it didn't turn out well :(

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Does Flora have recommended stylist other than herself?  

I think most hairdressers would feel concerned about cutting and styling a wig.  I know with the wigs I help people with we recommend a stylist then the IA's make sure they understand what is required to cut the wig...form a relationship with the stylist and then help the client form a relationship. (If the relationship is not there between you and your stylist ...things can go wrong).  As the stylist and Client need to have a very good rapport so they can each understand what to do to achieve the end result you may be looking for with your hair. 

Hope this helps and good luck with finding someone that can help.




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