I've lost about 60% of my hair due to alopecia areata, and the only way I can cover it is with a hat. After seeing great reviews, I bought the Tatum wig by Amore. When I put it on, it felt perfectly fine. After 10 minutes, I started getting a dull headache. After about an hour, my head felt like it was throbbing, and I felt really nauseous. There was also some sharp pains. When I took it off, there was a red dent above my forehead. People told me that wigs are tight at first, and I'll get used to it. But I'm pretty sure that if I wore the wig any longer, I would've thrown up or fainted, and the "dent" above my forehead would be bleeding. 

Does anyone know what am I doing wrong? I measured my head, and I'm an average sized cap, which is what the wig size is. I adjusted the straps so that the wig is as loose as it can be. I'm pretty sure the wig cap I use to hold my hair in isn't the problem, it's pretty loose. 

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I don't know....wig caps totally give me a headache, and make for the red mark on my upper forehead.  If you have the straps totally loose, can't imagine why it would be the wig.  Maybe you are just not used to it at all...Tatum is a beauty, but on the heavy/thick side.  I have heard many HH wearers also get a bad headache when they start wearing them, as it is just plain heavy on your head.  Try no wig cap.

My wig caps honestly feel like nothing! I need it to hide the hair I still have left on my head. I've tried wearing it without the wig cap already, I can last a bit longer before the headache comes.



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