I have been going vald since i was 10 years
 old and I am now 33 . However I now feel tired of
being looked at the bald girl and wants to wear a wig... 
But I feel that I don't want to take a step back in my coping with au!!
What do you guys think?? It is especially in the meetings with men I feel the need
of a wig!

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Silje, I think I understand. I tried to make that decision for an event (I was the maid-of-honor at a friends wedding) and the process of coming to a decision was very stressful for me.
I apologize if I seemed to trivialize your situation and the decision you have to make. I didn't mean to be insensitive. It certainly is a complex issue and I only meant to encourage you to do what you want to do and not .put too much emphasis on the consensus of any particular group or individual.
:) I totally understand...
hehe:) If it had been that simple! I have the wig and like it, but its not that easy!
Hi Silje,

I dont think that wearing a wig means a lack of acceptance. I think it means giving yourself the option to go one way or another way depending on how you feel, and depending upon whom you are meeting or what you are going to do. Consider it an extension of your personality.

Certainly it is possible that people will find out about your alopecia or will ask you the awkward questions. But, then again, it's not exactly your fault that you have alopecia. Think about how many people are out there with plastic surgery, or fake breasts. If they can wear fake breasts, then certainly you should be comfortable to wear a simple wig!

I do not wear a wig because my condition is not so severe as some other people here. However, if it comes down to it I will consider the use of wig toppers and full wigs if I feel that it will be helpful to my sense of self and to my self esteem. If other people do not like it, or if they cannot accept it, then I feel that is their problem. I'll have to make my peace, and they will have to make theirs.

You did not ask to have alopecia, nor did anybody on this site. You simply are looking for ways to deal with it on a day to day basis that you feel comfortable with. Try it and see if you like it!!!

Also, I found some really cute looking turbans online, called the beaubeau. You can google that and it should pop up. Perhaps that's an attractive alternative to a wig.

As for dating, unfortunately there is a societal pressure and expectation that people should have hair. But certainly a person who was really secure with themself and empathetic and understanding would not see that as a reason not to be in a relationship. My husband is losing his hair due to MPB and he also has a very visible case of psoriasis, an auto-immune skin condition. He has red patches all over his body. Yet this did not stop me from falling in love, and I still think he is the most attractive guy in my life!



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