I am at the stage where I need to start thinking bout buying my first wig.

A horrifying thought as that means my AA is at its worst but Im slowly but surely coming to terms with it.

I would like to get your guidance on wigs. All I know is that you get human hair and synthetic hair wigs. That's as far as my knowledge extends.

Are there any companies that you'd recommend?
What are the pro's and con's with all the different options out there?
Are they comfortable? How does your head breath/sweat?
How do you wash them?
Would you suggest long hair or short hair? Is the one easier than the other?
Can they fall off or be blown off?
What happens if they get wet in the rain for instance?

And anything else a virgin-wig-wearer should know???

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Hey, I have a wig brand I've been liking more and more. I read your posting bout acceptance, and then I saw this one bout wigs....I must say we are bout on the same schedule, meaning I'm 35, have been dealing with random patches here and there, hideable for about 7 years(i know youve had it for longer), until this last year it just went from a walk to a sprint, forget jogging in between. I lost all but like 10% on my head, and lost both eyebrows(that sucks too, do you still have yours?). Anyways, i could no longer hide my spots, got totally depressed(even tried anti depressants for like 6 months), and now have been wearing wigs being what I felt is my only option(im not the type o person that can be super free and go out bald, I admire it, but don't think I could ever do it). Anyways, right now I probably have 12 different wigs..synthetic, and human. Ive tried soo many different colors, cuts etc to find which is the most natural, how well do they stay intact and fresh looking, and of course cost is always a factor for me. Here are the specifics to the wig I have found that is the best. Just look at it online and read the reviews for it, and look at the pictures of the other real people wearing it...

The brand I think you should try is: Forever Young
Website is voguewigs.com
Name of the wig I think you should get: Hollywood Honey Synthetic Wig by Forever Young
Price: $49.95
Color: I get Honey-Caramel which does cost $14 more BUT TOTALLY WORTH IT-it is sooo much more natural looking because they created the color to look like you have lightly darker roots

Other random info bout wigs that I have discovered...
-some synthetics are soooo shiny they look fake(especially the darker ones)...a remedy for that is sprinkling some baby powder on to cut the shine,,,,I don't like that, still looks a little wrong to me.
-Forever Young wigs are all super long, I have snipped off at least an inch off my own, its no problem
-I'm fine with synthetic now, forever young really does a great job making their synthetic feel real and bounce and blow in the wind like real hair.....some other brands I tried didn't get it right. My dear ol dad bought me a $5000 super fancy custom wig for me, flew me out to New York just to get the very best hair, because I was sooo sad bout my stupid hair.....sooooo not worth it, please don't go that route, I like my $65 synthetic forever young one soo much better, and fits better.
-Oh yea, cap size is important in wigs...i found out I have a small head, so getting a cap that fits is the difference between feeling confident and/or totally paranoid all the time. If it is snug, i don't care if the wind is crazy, I can totally go swimming(casually of course, no diving in or anything), I don't worry if it is slowly twisting on my throughout the day and looking funny. Again forever young has adjustable straps to fit your head.
-I just learned how to properly care for the synthetics...mine starts to get little dull looking, frizzy in some places from brushing it, and the natural looking wave starts to flatten out after 2-3 months on average....but I just learned I was doing it all wrong ie. using my regular hair shampoo and conditioner, I was using a regular brush, and I was washing it in hot water, and putting it out in the sun to dry it....ALL of those are WRONG. Instead...buy synthetic hair products, use just your fingers to brush it or wide tooth comb, wash in cool water, and hang to dry inside. So, the wigs should still last longer now, I shall see.
-I've recently been styling my hair like I used to when I had normal long blonde hair in my 20's, and find that there is lots you can do to this wig that actully make it look way more natural rather than just keeping it down... I like to clip left side half up and the right side half up etc.if you wanna see the styles that have been working the best for me let me know, maybe I can send you some pix.....im sure you'll figure it out though, you are obviously a smart girl.
-there are thin material that you can wear under the wig to cut the slight itch, but I found them slippery and I was scared hair might slip back and reveal the head stocking thing. sad to say, but like anything else, you get used to the slight itch, and when no one's looking, give it a good scratch!
-bandanas are good too all rolled up and tied in back, feel like a bad ass biker chick when I wear it, but if you are doing super active things like boating, or swimming or whatever, it is extra insurance that your wig won't slip, and it looks cool too, haha(i usually just do two big braids, Poccohantas style with the bandana)
-be prepared not to ever be able to just put your hair up high in a pony tail anymore(unless it all grows back...which is possible and has happened) can't do it with wigs. can maneuver buns though.

I have rattled on plenty, but I saw your picture, and saw that you are a cute girl with style and blonde hair, around my age..so thought I could help.
Seriously tho, you should get that hair I gave you all the specifics for, take my word girlfriend, its the best, and I'm very picky with high standards ;)

good luck, let me know if you have any questions! wish you were coming to San Francisco or Napa Valley for any reason, I'd have you over to try on everything I have, and we would talk bout hair over some adult beverages! haha ;)

Kim Foote

But aren't Forever Young wigs just soooooo shiny???

Hi Kim ...Hairoptions made me one that is perfect natural hair. It's totally natural hair .give them I call they will give you good advise regarding all the new "things" they can do for you.

I hade alopecia sins I was 4 but lost everything in 2006 and have been using a wigs sins then. Human hair is the only way for me. my wig last a bout 2 years, so I recommend long hair, like natural hair they also get split ends so you need to trim them some time but Hairoptions helps you take care of them.

thinking of you....
Sorry forgot to say that Hairoptions is a South African company in Cpt and jnb.


Do your homework. Everyone here including myself love the product that they wear...otherwise they wouldn't wear them. It can become confusing and difficult to work out what you need, but that is the bottom line this is about what you need.

Don't rush into buying anything without working out what is important to you with a wig. There is a lot of information here around wigs and what suits the people that wear them. When I first started looking for a wig for my daughter I wrote a wishlist...you should do the same. My wishlist was that it was secure without tapes or glues, it looked 100% realistic no matter what my daughter was doing (swimming, roller coasters, ponytails, updo's, PE at school), it was comfortable, durable and beautiful. I found a wig that suited her and she has been wearing them for the last 10 years (Freedom Wigs). Pop into my page and you will see my daughter with them on.

You may have different needs than we did, but still write the wishlist then match it as closely as possible to the options available.

Good luck with finding something that works well for you.


Rose Marie....Every time I go to your page and see your daughter's pictures, I am blown away. I have never seen anything so beautiful, so natural looking, so real. She is a lucky girl. Problem is not everyone works for Freedom. I would imagine that has it's perks. Again, she is a lucky girl. Absolutely beautiful.

Hi Lexi

Thanks for the compliments Lexi... I think Libby is a cutey and of course I love her hair, but I'm mum, so ever so slightly biased LOL.

Working for Freedom in New Zealand is a gift that is sometimes unexplainable. It has helped Libby over the years, but like everyone I started as a client and the costs were mine and my families. I have never looked back on that initial decision as being a bad one. I'm thankful I made the choice with Libby to wear Freedom. It changed the course of her life and mine as well.

Lexi if you would like a Freedom Wig, but have some barriers to overcome. Please contact me. There are places that have helped people in the US and around the world receive Freedom wigs.

My want is for everyone to be as lucky as Libby no matter what their budget is. I believe everybody should have the right to choose the hairpiece they want no matter the cost...maybe a dream but I work everyday to try and make that happen as do the Freedom Independent Agents around the world. I think empowerment comes by making a decision that suits you, no hair, Freedom wigs or another type of wig or headcovering. The autonomy around that choice should not equate to how much money you have...I know a dream, but a dream that can come true.

I so wish Governments and those with alopecia would get together around their needs. The best (as you see it should be at your disposal).


Thanks Rosy....I would love to have beautiful hair, but I still have bio-hair and not willing to shave it off....not ever. I will hold onto what I have left as long as I can. I wish you didn't have to be bald to wear Freedom, or something as beautiful. And the cost!! Libby is a beautiful and lucky girl.

I love my Follea gripper cool. I spent way too much money on the synthetics that I either don't wear, donated, or they are just sitting in the box or closet. It is expensive, but I boat and motorcycle with it and I don't worry about it coming off. However, you can't have hair around the perimeter of your scalp because the silicone is what grips to your head. I have to shave a little in the back. I don't have hair on the sides, or frontal top, so it fits good. I have heard the Freedom's are good too. I was just a little worried about if the vacuum would be too hot, I don't know about that. I think you can swim in those too. I swim with a swimcap or old synthetic wig I don't care about. My Follea came long (8 inch I wear a bob style)so you have to get it styled to your liking. I liked that about it. It looks just like my old bio hair. They have blond too. Go to womenshairlossproject.com and the gal that heads that site has the longer Folleas. She swears by them. They also have different cap styles too. Follea.com and check out the different caps. God Bless you on this journey. I also wanted to mention for the emotional aspect of losing my hair, I used essential oils(Doterra), it helped me soo much. I will never put another prescription in my body if I don't have too. My husband could not believe the difference with the oils. research emotional healing with essential oils. I wish you PEACE. You will get there!

Hi Michelle

Nice to know you are enjoying your wig. I'm not sure where you got the information regarding heat and Freedom, but I think it may be helpful to pass on information that will help you fully understand the complexity of Freedom Wigs and how they work. Before I do that the truth with all wigs, this would include Follea Grippers/Follea wigs, synthetic wigs, lace wigs, and includes Freedom Wigs as well..all wigs are hotter than no hair or your own growing hair. I wish this wasn't the case but it is. People have varying views on heat etc. heat is not a factor for the thousands of people that wear freedom wigs. With all wigs there are always comments about heat... this includes Follea Grippers.

To help explain Freedom to you so misunderstandings don't occur I will just put a little about the cap construction and the full customisation that occurs to make a Freedom Wig an extremely comfortable hair alternative for their wearers.

The cap... All-Silicone Freedom Wigs have no other adhesives - the cap is medical-grade silicone reinforced with mesh, and the same silicone is used as the adhesive to bond the hair under the cap. The softness of 'all silicone' means much better security and the accuracy of mould making (Scanners and plaster moulding)creates a very accurate comfortable fit for the the wearer. It is moisture/vapour permeable, so it lets the water vapour passing through our skin (which is most of the perspiration) pass through the cap. It's waterproof, but vapour permeable making it comfortable as possible in hot conditions. This means you can swim in your wig, go to the hairstylist and have your wig washed on your head and styled. Fully secure without glues and tape and absolutely no itchiness from wefts or scratchy wig caps.

The site and the lady who runs the site you have recommended are dedicated to Follea wigs (understandably as they work for her)... I don't believe the lady you are talking about wears a 'gripper' as she has a different hairloss condition than alopecia areata, totalis or universalis (just as traumatic though) and possibly does not want to shave her hair either, at this time she includes her hairline in her follea wigs to make it look realistic for her. Something most with alopecia areata, totalis, universalis are not able to do.

Thanks for your input.


That's for the info Rosy. I was researching Freedom too, but I still have hair and I think you have to be completely hair free to wear it. I don't want to have to shave all the time. I think I read on this website about the heat and the vacuum, this is the only place I have read about the Freedom. I would be curious to see how they get the hair in the cap. Do you they have any videos about the company and how they make them? I'm just going on a year with my wig wearing, so I have the rest of my life to wear wigs and get more knowledgeable about them. I am open minded about Freedom. The lady that sold me the Follea wore the Freedom for years and then she switched. She has been with alopecia over 30 years. Not sure why she switched though. I should ask her. I am going to get another wig so any videos you have about how they make them and how to take care of them would greatly be appreciated. Are they human hair? I can't remember. Before I spend that kind of money I want to know everything possible about them. I am a researcher when it comes to wigs. The Follea gripper works nice for me now because my hair loss is around the perimeter only. Just got back from camping and boating and letting my hair fly through the air on the boat. I wish I had my own, but if I have to lose something, I would rather it be my hair. Easy to replace. I am going to research the Freedom's, you have me curious. thanks for the info! PEACE!!

Hi Michele

You are welcome. I'm happy to give you as much information as you may like about Freedom.

You don't know how long you may need wigs...with alopecia areata it can be a roller coaster ride. Even other hairloss conditions are difficult to navigate.

The lady you were talking to who sold you your Follea wig is not allowed to sell Freedom Wigs. She was originally a Peggy Knight Representative (PK use to sell a older version of Freedom Wigs...this is the wig that this lady has). When they moved to Follea, Follea said they were not allowed to sell the Freedom alternative. This has only been the case in USA with their Reps not being allowed to sell Freedom. This may have changed now... I'm not sure. At the St Louis Naaf Conference (last month), some of the Freedom IA's were asked if they wanted to sell Follea...but for them it isn't an alternative that works for their personal needs so they did not feel comfortable selling it. I think the Follea Rep who is helping you is currently in the process of getting another Freedom Wig. Peggy Knight asked Freedom to do this for her when she moved to Follea. We were happy to help.

Many Freedom Independent Agents wear the Freedom Wig. That is a good thing for them and their clients as they fully understand how they work and how to help those who need this alternative. Freedom focuses all it energy on those with long term extensive hairloss. Freedom's research and development is directed around the needs of those conditions, particularly those with alopecia areata. The Freedom Wig is fully customised. Nothing is stock. Freedom IA’s sell the three types of cap that are available (fibreglass, Silicone and Vapour permeable)…Fibreglass is a the oldest technology but some still like this type of cap; Silicone – is the technology that PK had and your Follea Rep will have; the newest Technology is Vapour Permeable.

You might like to contact Jody Gorski, she has worn the older version of Freedom, the new vapour permeable cap from Freedom and the follea Gripper. I can pass on her contact details if you would like to chat to her.

Many people would like to know how the hair is implanted into a Freedom wig and how they work. Particularly other companies. Freedom Wigs are made in New Zealand, by New Zealanders, they are not made in China or the Phillipines (both China and the Phillipines are where most stock wigs are produced as the old handtiein/ weft attachment method for most wigs (including Follea) is time consuming and extremely expensive to do in 1st world countries). The process of implantation is unique. What I can tell you is the cap is comfortable, incredibly secure in all areas of life, easy to clean and vapour permeable. We tend to work very personally with people and don’t have a lot of Vid’s about Freedom Wigs. One to one help is really the only way to get a fully customised Freedom Wig. When you get a Freedom Wig and through the process DVD’s are supplied around fitting, caring, styling, etc.

You are right, to wear a Freedom Wig you have to have no hair or be prepared to take away the hair you have. If you have hair it is a big ask to do the 360 turn from trying to hold on to every hair you have to taking away the last of your hair. My daughter made that decision when she was little and in the last 10 years her hair has come and gone 6 times. Her hair coming and going and not being cosmetically viable for her was not an issue as the freedom hair she had worked so incredibly well for her. Freedom isn't for everyone, but for those that make the choice it is often one that does set them free. With me it's not just about passing a wig onto somebody but fully understanding their needs and helping find their way to what they need with all the information I can pass on.

If you would like any further help feel free to ask.




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