Hi all, well its that day we all dread, so many choices, and which choice is the right one. Can anyone offer any advice on the pros-cons of Lace top wigs, as ive only had monafilament. Any advice would be great, thanks. Have a great weekend x

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Monofilament or Mono Top Wig is most durable but Silk Top Lace Wig is most natural looking and comfortable also. It looks that hair comes from own scalp (for silk top wig).



i have had all types of wigs but i from pu perimeter french lace wigs to full superfine swiss lace, silk tops,volumisers all of them.Personally i would start off with full french lace as the lace is strong and wont rip then go on to superfine swiss when you get the hang of taping etc.I think lace is always best as its breathable...skin bases etc arent breathable and those types feel a tad uncomfortable.All of them look real though if you buy from the right place but its just some are more delicate than others etc i would say the more delicate the base is the more realistic it will probably look and feel.



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