I have heard of this and I purchase some but they sent me small bottle and I use it on my daughter and fuzzy hair did appear but since I didnt have enough to see the end result I didn't purchase it due to the expense but I think it works and I plan on ordering some more...
Permalink Reply by Niki on November 4, 2008 at 12:43am
I have had Alopecia Areata on and off for 10 years. I have used steroid creams and injections. The steroids worked sometimes but then my AA would return. Then I found Thymuskin and my life completely changed. It took 2 months for my patches to start filling in with new hair. Then, after 8 months of treatment, I stopped as all of my hair was back! Nothing has ever worked this well in the past. Thymuskin was a great choice for me.
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