ok so i notice my patch about 2 months ago. its on the back of my head,and i cant wear it down/i also have some white hair there.
today i have noticed three more small patches,and its starting to get me dwn, i dont know much about it,does any1 know about treatments?
i wasnt that bothered about the one on the bk of my head,but the new ones are near the front.
also is it normal to be sore? every time i wash my hair or brush it loads comes out.
also do wigs only look good if you have no hair.

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Replies to This Discussion

Wigs can look good whether or not you have your own natural hair. It's all in finding the correct style and wearing the wig properly.
Lysa, I went through the same thing. Cortisone injections by a dermatologist made my hair grow back. Look into that.
I did injections for the the first few months only, and eventually my hair grew back. Do whatever makes you feel good and try to stay positive. And, yes you can wear a wig when you have hair but you need to consider factors such as whether you will completely cover it or let some mix in with the wig. It helps to go to a wig seller as they have lots of styles to try on. Good luck!
Gday Lysa welcome to this site..I have barely been on here for 5 mins myself..I have thinning hair..apparently everytime i say that someone with full hair jumps up and says SO HAVE I..yeah right! Well 2 weeks ago discovered a bald patch, and I know there are more coming.. Had a huge list of blood tests, results will be given next week. If its Alopecia Aerata which is what i have they say that you can get cortison injections and creams. I have yet to learn more fm the Dermatologist. You must go to the NHS and find someone who deals with this problem and go and see them pronto. Oh and i have this weird tingling sensation, which i never had on my head before..i think it must be related. Thank god for wigs, lady gaga, beyonce and the like, coz wigs look hot today.



I did a bit of a search and came up with this site which lists a whole bunch of places..check them out.

I grew up in London so I sort of know london better..let us know how you go..goodluck and you are not alone here.. ;- P
thanks guys for all your help.
1st time i went to the doc they sait it wasnt aa.
2nd time wiv different doc she said it was but wudnt get worse,
well im going bk tomo and sayin i want sumthin for it.
i know a friend who had one patch and was given cream straight away.
im not leaving till i get sumthin!
but in the mean time i will click on the links.



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