Hi...my 14 year old daughter had a bad bout of alopecia areata a year and a half ago (this was the 2nd time in her life, first time she was 3 yrs old and only 2-3 small patches)...she lost around 80% of her hair over this period of time, a bit falling, growing back, another bit falling out, regrowing etc...Now, there has not been any falling out in over 6 months and she has a what looks like a little boy hair cut - very uneven...She is still wearing her wig but is it overdue for the garbage can ...her preference is to not walk around this way so I am thinking of hair extensions...not too much...just to even out and lenghthen a bit so she can look like a girl, go swimming etc. I know it costs a lot of money and doesn't last that long but if she can have a good summer but I am scared it will be too heavy for her hair? they don't seem to be falling out anymore...I know that this doesn't mean it will never fall out again but we can hope!!! What do you guys think of extensions...thanks...

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Hi Julie,
I am 20 now and got alopecia when I was 18 mine was very much the same as your daughter falling out then growing back and so on. I now wear hair extensions but I wear clip in ones because I looked into the other ones and spoke to a lot of people and found that because they will be attached to the same bits of hair for however long they are in it can cause stress to the hair and make it fall out again even when it hasnt fallen out for a long period of time. With the clips in ones it allows me to move the clips everytime I put them in so they are not pulling on the same hair all the time. They look just as real and are a lot cheaper! I hope this helps you and your daughter.

Sorry I don't know much about extensions



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