I was just diagnosed with AA on May 12th 2009. I shaved my head because it was very depressing to watch my hair falling out in clumps. But I have been reading some of the discussions on here and someone said that they started out with AA and now have AU. I was wondering if anyone knows more about this topic. Is it a progression thing?

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Not knowing.. that's definitely the hardest thing about alopecia for me. I want to be able to pin down just what is going to happen.. will I lose more hair? Will it be just one spot or will I get many? Will it turn into AT or AU?? It's so frustrating that you just never know until it happens.

For me, I had one spot (the first) around middle school but it was low on the back of my head so I really stopped paying attention to it and eventually it grew back in but I have no idea how long it took to do so.

I didn't have another one until I was 22, thats when I really realized that it was alopecia. This one wasn't so easy to ignore, to say the least. If you visit my page I've got photos and a link to my flickr page which also tells my story in more detail. But that spot started small and gradually increased in size for about a year and a half, at which point it finally started to grow back. I've had my hair for almost a year now, I think.. but I'm worried I might be starting another spot on the back of my head. Not sure.. will be keeping an eye on it.

And yes, when it first started to grow it was just really soft fuzzy white hairs that were really weak, but eventually the more normal hairs started filling in around the edges until it was all there. Now that it's all back, it is normal strong hair, the only difference is that it is noticeably darker than all the other hair. It's pretty much black as compared to my natural color which is dark blonde.

I mostly hear about people who have many spots at one time, does anyone know if it's fairly uncommon to have just one spot at a time?



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