I noticed my first spot on the crown of my head 'about' 2 years ago. The second didn't appear for another 4 months. I went to a dermatologist who gave me medicine to put on them. I used this medicine for several months with no progress on hair regrowth, just another spot. I started laser treatments and got a few little baby fine hairs. Went to see another doctor who is giving me shots. I've been getting shots now for 3 months. Nothing but the baby fine hair has regrown. Now I have more spots starting at the nap of my neck. It has been 23 months since the first spot and no significant regrowth. Still doing both laser(weekly) and shots (every 6 weeks). Does this sound familiar to anyone else diagnoised with AA?

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Replies to This Discussion

i noticed too about 2 years ago.first they are refrowth about 4 months but very thin,later they had been thick.i am doctor and went to dermatology in my universty,they made injection(steroid) to patches.but again and again i had lots of patchy.about 4-5 months tey are regrowing.but i am trouble of one day i will be bald...



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