Why does my scalp hurt so bad? It feels so bruised and sore all of the time. It is driving me insane. I only have a few spots and I don't find my hair is shedding a lot right now. This pain has been going on for a while now. I will eventually be addicted to ibuprofen because it seems to ease the pain.

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i dont really know the answer to this,as i have not had aa long, but mine does not hurt tht much, some times when my partner puts my cream on mine mine is sore when he moves bits of my hair.but it does not sound like it hurts as much as yours.have you been to the doc? ppl on here are really helpful so you will get your answers,they have helped me lots.
I can idenify with what you are saying as this pain has also been happening to me and it is only now and then that i experience it.Don't really know if its normal as i have not had AA that long but i have a lot of hairloss, hope you feel better.

Hi, Kristi. just wanted to try to help you out a little with this problem. I too get this exact same pain on my scalp. I went through many treatments and many shampoos. I finally found the only shampoo that completely helped: Aloe 80 organics - by Lily of the desert. My hair stylist thought I should try it, and it works wonders. If I even try to use another shampoo , the problem comes back. The main ingredients are aloe, lemon and rosemary. www.lilyofthedesert.com There is also a conditioner that comes with it (16 oz bottle for 10 dollars each) which is great. I also do a rinse of apple cider vinegar and rosemary tea twice a week. you can but the tea at any health food store.

I have heard that the tingling coincides with hairloss activity. You should talk to your doctor about it and maybe they will prescribe treatment for you to accommodate your symptoms. Good luck-J.



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