I've been reading a lot of materials, both on this forum, and on my own, as well as heard my many doctors talk about telogen effluvium and AA. I am confused about a few things - can you have both concurrently? I ask because many of my hairs fall out with a bulb attached, while some have fallen out with out the bulb. A hair specialist told me I had AA with telogen effluvium, while my dermatologist didn't even mention telogen effluvium, and just said AA.

I am also confused by what causes telogen effluvium, if that is even known. Obviously, we know that AA is unpredictable, and the causes for that are unknown, but do any of you have information on telogen effluvium? And any remedies you tried that have helped with the telogen effluvium?

This is all just a bit confusing for me, sorry for the questions!

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