Faith as defined in the bible is "the assured expectation of things hoped for". Is this logical? It seems many people think so and I was one of them for 30 years. I hoped and prayed for a lot. Constantly. Did my hopes materialise and did my prayers get answered? I think not. I re-evaluated my belief system and discovered it was built on nothing but wishful thinking, and wishful thinking does not make it so! I realised I had nothing on which to back up my faith. It was entirely based on "things hoped for" promises made by a so-called god entity I could find no evidence for. I may just as well have believed with all my heart in the Flying Spaghetti Monster - but believing don't make it so :)

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What?? You don't believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster?? It must exist, cos I've seen spaghetti fly.... usually around kids and angry peeps, who must obviously be possessed.... :)
I bet you don't believe in the Floating Head of Doom either. Tchoh.

Anyway, this "expectation of things hoped for". I always thought it was odd that Those Who Have Faith always want something from their god, but what, exactly, does said god get back in return? Just seems a bit one-way.... must be really boring being a god, hearing all the same prayers, hymns, promises, etc. etc.
If I was the religious type, I'd want to take my god out for a spin in the country, stop off at a few places for a drink or whatever, and maybe I could ask him/her/it what they were thinking of when they created somewhere that's a bit of a dump.... Birmingham, for example :)
The Floating Head of Doom is real.....isn't it?...well maybe not the Foating head, but the Doom bit is right on the mark!



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