HI , I'd like to connect with others from near me - maybe get together?
I'm curious to know which dermatologists people here are seeing and are they happy with them? I have cicatricial alopecia and its pretty rare and I'm struggling a bit. Please contact me!

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Hey CJ! I currently live in a small town south of Orleans. The doctor who diagnosed me with AA told me he couldn't refer me to a dermatologist, because all the ones in our area have basically said they can't do anything for alopecia, so they generally won't see us. Maybe I should have pushed harder at the time, but I was too distraught! I had already lost about 30% of my hair by that point, and I was *so* upset about it. I'm just happy my recent "outbreak" seems to have remedied itself and I don't need to worry about specialists at this point.

Darn - that's my experience too. I've seen two local derms and while they claim to have expertise - they really don't get it. When you say remedied itself - what happened? is your hair growing back? That would be sweet.
I saw an specialist in Toronto _ Jeff Donovan - who is AMAZING and is doing lots of research but he's not taking any new patients. I work with the CSPA ( www.canadianskin.ca) and I do advocacy for skin/hair patients and we definitely need more hair specialists. we will be talking about thsi issue at the fall conference - in case you're interested.

Hello! I am in North Gower. I work at Billings Bridge. I have had Alopecia since April 2008. It did shots for a year with a doctor in the HuntClub area. I can't remember his name. It was polish I think. He was a great doctor but after a year I decided to move on and stop the shots. I have been in wigs since January 2009. It is just who I am now. It has been a journey but you know you can survive it. Where are you in the Ottawa area?


Bank and Walkley. I have frontal fibrosing alopecia... its all a bit new. I'm taking meds that make me sick. I'd love to get together with you guys.



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