Canadians with Alopecia


Canadians with Alopecia

A group for Canadians with alopecia. A Mari usque ad Mare

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Wig shop in greater Toronto

Started by Sue. Last reply by Brandy Snap Oct 28, 2015. 17 Replies

Permanent makeup in Toronto?

Started by Cheyenne Oct 28, 2015. 0 Replies

Wig stylist in Ottawa?

Started by Heather. Last reply by TALLIE Apr 7, 2015. 3 Replies

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Comment by Pam Glover on August 4, 2009 at 9:45am
I bought two of the more expensive wigs, one short one for 275.00 and a long one for 325.00. The short one is worn out and looks like crap now, the long one is still in the box, when I got it home and put it on I couldnt figure out what I waas thinking when I bought it. lol Keep saying I will take it in and get it cut or trimmed but a year and half later its still in the box!! I did order a lot of wigs from ebay, cheap ones off ebay, for 11.00 - 30.00 range. Its fun having a choice of what Im going to wear and if they look like crap, oh well they were cheap. They dont have as much hair as the expensive ones but I only wear a wig, maybe once a week in the winter, never in the summer so I dont care. I just think of them as disposable. Any I didnt like on me are either packed in a box to donate to Cancer Care or I resold. There is one at a salon in Winnipeg right now that I love but its 330.00 and is very short, I just cant justify the expense.

You are right tho, there should be some kind of compensation for wigs when hairloss is due to a medical problem. Im lucky in the sense that the expense really isnt a problem but I know there are hundreds of women out there who cant afford to purchase even the cheap ones. That makes me very sad.
Comment by Carolyn Ferrie on August 4, 2009 at 8:53am
Hi Pam,
Thanks for your reply on my question, but my husbands insurance wouldn't cover it either, I have one, I went out and bought one myself and paid over 400 for it, but was just wondering if anyone esle's insurance paid for theirs , they told me at my husbands insurance it wasn't paid for at all.Yeah, I hear ya, try getting a wig for 250 , thats a laugh for sure, I got the cheapest I could get and that was 400.I don't know about you , but don't it seem like no authorities in healthcare, even care about us people with alopecia and we are not recognized at all? They don't know how devastating it is to lose your hair.I Know we are fortuate and dont' have a terminal illness but it is frustrating, depressing and really takes a lot from us.What do you think and others out there?
Comment by Pam Glover on August 4, 2009 at 1:26am
I found a page that says it does if prescribed by a medical practitioner but Id contact a government source before going shopping.
Comment by Pam Glover on August 4, 2009 at 1:20am
My husbands covered mine but only 250.00 for lifetime. I told them they should send someone wig shopping then update lol. My stepdaughters insurance covered her for up to 1000.00 per lifetime. Have no idea about the medicare thing but interesting question. Will have to look into that.
Comment by Carolyn Ferrie on August 3, 2009 at 11:37pm
Hi everyone,
I was just wondering, do any of your Healt Insurances pay for wigs , I called mine and they told me they don't cover them.I'm just wondering if medicare or anyone covers them here in Canada , it is a medical disorder.Please let me know.Thank you.
Comment by Marian Fuller on July 31, 2009 at 12:45pm
Hi Everyone,

Nothing like friendly Canadians!! Loved your comments George and your attitude! I'm fortunate that my husband also has a very progressive attitude about this and if anything our relationship has just gotten stronger. I'm also super impressed with your courage Pam in going "wigless" especially since you're only a year and 1/2 into this -- obviously a woman who's comfortable in her own skin; totally understand the need to have some sort of head covering during a Manitoba winter!
I have heard from Dr. Schueler and I'm going to take the next step and answer their questions and set up a phone conversation to see if I'm a suitable candidate. I'm willing to give it a shot but if it doesn't work then I'll just continue to count my blessings and get on with life. Obviously I'm not alone and I kind of like being a part of this "in" crowd!
Comment by George Blackwood on July 30, 2009 at 7:26pm
Wow, lots of discussion going on lately; emails pilling up. So, here's my response to this thread: Being a guy and all, I don't pretend to understand a woman's perspective on hair loss; plus, being the only person I know who's ever been born with universalis, with no hair growth to date, I have a Borat-esque love of being bald; and dare anyone to even attempt to deprecate me based on my appearance.

I find bald women very attractive; from their toes to the top of their beautiful heads; and believe me, I'm not alone. I respect anyone's choice to find surrogate hair, or to undergo treatments to encourage re-growth (although not if they're painful and invasive) but only as long as that woman (or guy for that matter) does not judge herself negatively wrt her appearance. That's simply irresponsible, life is way too short, and you're far too beautiful; noeone has the right to denigrate themselves in that way. Society has already cast an intolerable burden at the feet of women with respect to their appearance; the brainwashing begins in childhood and proceeds relentlessly into adolescence and beyond.

If you don't feel less of a woman b/c of your hair loss, then that's not a problem; the more wigs the merrier.

Love to you all.
Comment by Pam Glover on July 30, 2009 at 6:06pm
Evelyn is very expensive compared to the other two, but worth a look I guess.
Comment by Tracy on July 30, 2009 at 5:25pm
Evelyn's Wigs. She spealizez in Alopecia. I'd suggest her. just google evelyn's Wigs, her numbr wil pop up. She is just outside of Winnipeg on Lorette MB
Comment by Pam Glover on July 28, 2009 at 1:25pm
Hi Marian

I have 2 wigs from Marios Salon in Polo Park, that is also where my stepdaughter used to buy her wigs. Ive just heard about Giselles on this forum but have not gotten there yet. I also have lots of cheaper wigs from China. They are fun but dont last, which is ok since they cost less than 20.00 each! I only wear wigs in the winter and then just for the warmth factor. Way to cold around here!!

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