Hey all,
Share your experiences, good and bad. Nobody's gonna judge. :]

My personal experience:
I think that without my faith I would never have been able to get through the first wee while with this without completely breaking down.I still have bad days of course,but having God there to always listen to my worries has definately helped.I really feel like He's one of the only places I can turn to to find someone who truly understands.

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We are part of a very visual and youth and beauty oriented society. This frames our thinking and self esteem. But to see yourself as God sees you can be life changing. I have been trying to understand the love of God for me for twenty years now and I still don't have it completely. I get a bit angry with God when things don't go the way I want, but life and God and salvation and Jesus are not "me" centred. We have so many man made things to help us that a miracle on demand would not be in our best interests. I have seen some miracle healings, but they are rare. I find God works bigger things in the midst of challenges. He is more concerned with our heart and how aware we are of Him, than our appearance. But I know beauty is from God too. Baldness is a shameful thing in old testament Scripture, so I don't understand. Its easy to feel that he isn't listening sometimes, or we are not patient enough. If there was a bible for people with cancer or alopecia, or heart disease or depression, that would be so easy. But the Word is what it is and we need to dig deep to find life just for us.



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