I have posted a short blog of reflection on Holy Thursday on the Christian Calender

1. Holy Thursday Reflection (Posted on http://joshuablogspace.blogspot.com)
2. Good Friday Reflection
3. Holy Sabbath Reflection
4. Easter Sunday Reflection

*This series of blog is specially dedicated to people of all faiths (including atheist, agnostics), as all us learn about each others' different faith and so at the end of the day, we respect other people's choice without being judgemental and narrow-minded.
*However, this blog is not for discussion or debate on any religious matters.
* I just wanted people to know what Christianity is all about, just as how much I am learning about others' faith and thus respecting their belief.
* Hope all is greatly inspired and to the christians, hope you find strength in your faith again.
God bless


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Thank you Joshua. That was good . I needed that my focus has been off this week. Thanks for the reminder.



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