For the last 3 months I have been losing my hair at a very rapid rate - in total I have lost 50% of my hair (used to be very thick and full - my pride and joy). Just yesterday I was diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia (had a scalp biopsy - so it is definitive). Is it normal to lose this much this fast??? I had convinced myself that this was a stress thing, so I am taking the news very very hard. My dermatologist was so unhelpful - she basically said that I need to deal with it and my hair will not come back. As it is progressive, it will only get worse. I begged for some idea as to what I could do but she said I could try Rogaine or eventually get a hair transplant - those are my only options. I had all sorts of tests done early and they were all normal (iron, vitamins, thyroid, hormones, etc . . .). I also had the symptoms of excessive hair growth on my arms and upper lip - so I thought it was a hormone thing. I spoke to my dermatoligst about this and she said there may still be something hormonal going on, making the situation worse. I will see an endocronologist in a month. What should I do in the meantime? Will all my hair fall out by then - will it slow down? I hope someone can share their story with me - I feel very lost and confused in this situation. Should I start wig shopping??? I wanted to try Rogaine, but I want to have another baby (have 2 kids now) and will try to get pregnant now because I do not want to start Rogaine now and have to stop when I get pregnant (all benefits will be lost). Am I crazy to do this - will I have any hair left??? I really just want to know about someone else's experienc with this particular form of hair loss. I know all situations are not the same, but I would feel better if I had an idea. Thank you so much!!!!!