I was diagnosed with AA back in Dec 08, I've been going in for steroid injections and taking multiple vitamin/herbal supplements. In January I had multiple ruptured ovarian cysts. In April I came down with Bell's Palsy then followed by pain and unexplained numbness and tingling in my hands/fingers and lower jaw. My dr's (primary & derm) have run numerous blood tests/mri's and most have been negative/inconclusive. In June, I started having scalp pain with a red looking rash. My AA was seeming to spread, but not spots it was thinning all over starting at the frontal hairline. Derm did a scalp biopsy and confirmed AGA. She feels I also have other underlining auto immune issues and we're waiting on those labs to come back still. She is suggesting that I try Propecia. Personally, I am not ready for this - because I am young and thought that I might want more children. She says that I need to make sure that I cannot get pregnant -either by having a tubal or going on Depo. She has suggested I consider this as she feels that with my recent history that another pregnancy may be harmful to my health anyway. I am really torn, but she is also someone that I consider a friend (I worked for her) so I know she is thinking in my best interest and that she is genuinely concerned.

I'm having a hard time coping and haven't had time to talk to my husband about it. Personally, I think I could handle going bald. But giving up my baby making goods... that's hard to take. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
thank you and cheers

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Replies to This Discussion

hi Tory.... AGA is not a matter of hair.... it's all about how you feel. it is not cancer, diabetes or HIV infection..... deciding not to cure it won't lead you to disability, renal failure or death. But we all know that hair loss can affect your self-esteem, your confidence, and so your relationships, in some cases depression: alopecia doesn't kill you, but it can steal your joy of living if you allow it to do so. that's why I chose to cure it (although I don't use Propecia).
If going bald is not a big issue for you (I admire you a lot), if losing hair is nothing compared to the idea of not having more children, you have no reason for taking Propecia.
You could try minoxidil (rogain in USA).... it works for some people, and it does not interfere with foetal development.

a big hug,
Hi, I too have been diagnosed with AA and have read a lot about it, as my docs have not been very helpful. I have read that Depo actually makes hair loss worse, so I would read up on that yourself to see what you find on that or talk with your doc.

Best of luck to you with these difficult choices.
If you analyze it, hair loss is not the real problem with any of us: the problem is our loss of our self-esteem. The solution is rebuilding self-esteem, not giving up motherhood. It is quite possible to re-build self esteem without having a tubal. Hair loss is superficial. Sterility is extreme and permanent. You are wise to think carefully about this.
Ok Tori, so life is dealing you a harsh hand, I know, but I think it is important to stay focused on all the good and beatifull things that you still have in your life as opposed to what you are losing or might lose later in relation to your diagnosis. Yes you were diagnosed with AA but like Marina wrote its cuold have been worse. AA is NOT life threatening, its life altering (alot of us on this site have all ageed on that for sure!) and as must be dealt with the same way people are supposed to deal with all the hard balls in life; YOU HAVE A PITTY PARTY FOR A JUST A SECOND, REGROUP, ADJUST, WEIGH YOUR OPTIONS WITH THE PROS AND CONS AND MAKE WELL INFORMED DISSISIONS BASED ON YOUR NEEDS ACCORDING TO YOUR SPECIFIC SITUATION. As for propecia (generic name finasteride) this drug has not been approved for treating hair loss in women. Drugs such as spironolactone (generally used to treat high blood pressure) are usually prescribed for people with Androgenetic Alopecia (like me- for more info just read my blog) along with Rogaine also known as Minoxidil (6 percent is the most effectie I heard but is not for people with sensitive scalp-like me). The problem is that this too can have bad side effects on you and unborn child if one gets pregnant, which is why I would recommend an IUD NON-HORMONAL -NOT a birth control pill since the last thing people with autoimmune disorders need are more hormonal shifts. Anyways, Spironolactone is not for Alopeica Areata, that being said, what was the second diagnosis after your AA , you said your biopsy came back AGA which abbreviates multiple things, can you clarify?? I also want to remind you that doing surgey to tie or burn your tubes is a very permanent thing (although people say that if you only tie your tubes and not burn them that it is reversable) and that when it comes to surgey nothing is 100% sure of safe so why chance it. Either way Tori-good luck in your decision, I hope you make all the right decisions not only for you but for your children and husband as well.




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