Hi all I just wanted to let everyone know of the Great site I came across its www.stopthethyroidmadness.com it's got a lot of great info. Love to see what everyone thinks of the site.

I've started Armour a few months ago.

Read up and love to discuss the topic

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I've done tons of reading about hypothyroidism. I'm currently on 88mcg of synthroid (having tried many brands and T4/3 combos). It all started for me in 2002...though, that being said, it never occurred to any of my previous health practitioners to check my thyroid in the past...

Honestly, after having 2 children (now ages 3 and almost 7) I'm not really sure what "normal" feels like. My life has changed so much. I'm not even the same person I was before having children. Daily I am presented with different challenges and stresses.

My dosage levels of synthroid have fluctuated in the past...and I've also been on zoloft since 2005. While I don't really "enjoy" being on zoloft, I think it fills some areas in my life that I haven't been able to really comes to terms with....first it was PPD....or maybe it was really just situational? A mother of 2 with a husband who travels weekly. But, now that my girls are older and the 3 year old is no longer a baby, life has smoothed out. *sigh* I wanted to wean off zoloft but then began the struggle with AA. So, it was best to just stay on it to keep me stable.

At different points along my journey I've also included T3 and even thyrosine.....but honestly, I just don't know where that particular point in my overall being is supposed to be. Finally being able to exercise 3x a week for 45mins. has done wonders for me...mood, energy, outlook, etc. Never had problems in the past with cholesterol or high blood pressure.

But somehow, the combination of AA and hypothyroidism has always spooked me. I really believe the AA is a result of my thyroid and it's issues....but there just hasn't been enough proof in the medical world to link it for sure. *sigh*

Interesting article but I'm not sure my track record can vouch for support of T3 for everyone.
Hey Georgie,

I know what you mean about What's Normal anymore after kids. I however am doing Great on T3/T4 Armour, I take 2 grains. I have so much energy now am not depressed and am hopping to wean off the Lexapro soon. I also am having my periods only every 28 days and not every 2 weeks like I have been having for the last year. My Ob said, oh it's because you just had a baby. He didn't want to find out why this was happening to me nor did he care to find out what having you perriod every two weeks would do to my body. Well I went to my Family doc. and she checked my iron and I was very very low along with my Ferritin which is your Iron stores. Next i will go back to get my Cholesterol checked again it was 300 and that is very high!!! I read on the web site I posted about that being on the other barnds of synthetic thyroid meds can cause your body to process chol. different I will have been on Armour for about 5 months when I go back in and hope it will have helped out with lowering it.

I agree with you I do think somehwere AA and Hashimoto's are linked.




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