I have alopecia universalis and hashimoto disiese and my endo told me that alchool si not recomended with hashimoto.i dont drink a lot but i like the ocasional beer with my friends.Any other recomandations that your doctor made?

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hmm....haven't heard that one. *sigh* I'm gluten and dairy-free on top of Hashimoto's. I deserve something!!!!! I need my cider or occasional glass of wine. I'm definitely not giving up cooking with wine, either!

Unfortunately I have. I may have the gluten too so I have quit beer. But I can drink liquor, wine & hard cider.

I have hashitmotos/hypothyroid/alopecia areata and my doctor has not mentioned alcohol. I am breastfeeding so it hasn't been an issue, but I would think a beer once in a while wouldn't hurt you. 



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