
Bald Girls Do Lunch is a service mark of Bald Girls Do Lunch, Inc. and is registered by the US Patent and Trademark Office.
Bald Girls Do Lunch, Inc. is a tax exempt, not for profit organization 501(c) (3).

Tuesday, July 15 at 6:30 pm
You’re Invited!

Please join our first Louisville, KY dinner when Bald Girls Do Lunch® founder, Thea
Chassin, leads dynamic and inspirational talks laced with warmth and humor that quickly
help women feel more in control. BGDL is a movement that’s gaining speed nationally
to give women the positive tools they need to nurture their self-images. Be sure to read
the testimonials at BaldGirlsDoLunch.org. We value comfort highly so come with wigs,
scarves or your bald look. We look forward to meeting you!

Bristol Bar & Grill
1321 Bardstown Road
Louisville, KY 40204

$45 pp which includes a $20 tax-deductible contribution to expand our
mission to reach more women with alopecia areata.

Reservations and advance payment required by 7/11/08 to
Bald Girls Do Lunch, Inc.
P.O. Box 9122
Scarborough, NY 10510 or via PayPal to info@baldgirlsdolunch.org

info@baldgirlsdolunch.orgor 914.584.7662 to learn more.

We are the only not-for-profit organization specifically created to improving the quality of life for women with the
autoimmune skin disease, alopecia areata. Founder Thea Chassin, has had alopecia areata (universalis) since 1997
and was a support leader for the NAAF before founding Bald Girls Do Lunch She has been interviewed for major
newspapers and major media including Discover Magazine, public radio, and network TV news.

Please note: BGDL lunches are for women 18 and older. Lunches are valuable discussion meetings and are
commercial free. Attendees may not use the BGDL lunch for any kind of service or product promotion.

Views: 21


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