Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the rest of our very special group by telling us why you joined Alopecia World and what kind of things you are doing to make the world a better place for others, including people with alopecia.

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Hello everybody, I am Agnes, a fresh graduate environmental researcher. My main topic is health impact survey.I have a boyfriend who suffers from alopecia. First he experienced alopecia totalis when he was 4 years old. Lots of people thought it is because nuclear accident that happened in 1986 in our neighbour country. (we live in Hungary, in 1986 Csenobil accident was close to us)It took 4 years till he recovered, and though litle bald patches appeared every year he was fine. But now patches are getting bigger. My mum who is dermatologyst tries to treat it, but without success. I also want to do toxicology research on the hair(im looking for thallium in it). I came to here to learn more about alopecia mostly in psychological side-acceptence. I always believed in fate, and thought that our meeting is not accident that I have to find solution for this unanswered its hard to me to sit, and do not do anything and see how it is developing.May the key be simply "acceptence"?! Best wishes to everybody, with love
Because I find bald women so beautiful. I support the look. I dont understand societys disgust same as with bbws. It just seems that if something is different we dont embrace it but bald women are gorgeous.

My daughter Olivia who will be three in a few weeks was just diagnosed this past week. We're a bit stunned to say the least, tho the fact that her hair was falling out in clumps was kind of a BIG RED FLAG...I found you when I was searching Google for information. I (we) need to gather information to be able to support her the right way as she gets older. I went out and bought a lot of hats today :P
I joined Alopecia World because my wonderful husband has alopecia. He had a very difficult time as a child and young adult, and really did not understand anything about his condition. He still feels some anguish at the stares even after all these years, and I want to understand more about it, so that I can be as much support as he needs. I think he is beautiful, and his alopecia has never been a deterrence or problem to me. There are even funny times, like when a women at an ATM machine reached down and rubbed his leg and asked, "oooh, how do you get your legs so smooth? He was speechless! Another time a friends downs syndrome foster child couldn't resist climbing into the chair behind my husband and running her 4 year old hands over his bald head with the biggest, happiest smile you've ever seen! They became instant buddies! Thank you for this website. I think it will be just the place I need to learn more about helping others understand and be compassionate about alopecia.
I joined because my eight yr old granddaughter has alopecia. She has had it almost her whole life but last fall it started falling out rapidly. By Christmas, it was somewhat startling to see how much was gone. By the end of the school year it was even worse. During the summer, it started to grow back but since school started it all fell out. She still has brows and lashes but about 99% of the hair on her head is gone. She has a beautiful spirit. She is the bravest kid I know. I know that it will probably get harder for her as she gets older. I would get so frustrated and sick at heart everytime I washed her hair because so much more would fall out. Now I wonder if it will come back and what triggered the mass exodus when before it was small spots we could cover. I hope to learn more about alopecia and hopefully help others by sharing our experiences with it.
I joined alopecia world to keep updated and connected to my daugher who recently has moved far from home and recently has lost all her hair. I always wanted to be there for her and sometimes don't know what to say or do. I am very grateful for this support group and I feel like I can learn a lot from everyone ,including my daughter. It is nice to know others have the same concerns. i am not very computer savvy, yet feel I can learn. Thanks to the many people who support each other on this site.I
I joined this site to support my 30 year old sister who recently developed alopecia universalis. I'm hoping to learn more about how to help my sister effectively cope with the emotional aspects of this condition.
Hi everyone! I joined Aloepcia World because my 3 year old son has AA! Just want all the info I can absorb and share with other people! And ive learned in this short amount of time that Ive been here that everyone is great and supportive of each other! Plus its easier to talk with people who are taking the same journey as I am!!! And Ive learned bald really truely is beautiful!!
Hi Everyone, I have mpb and have some friends on twitter who have alopecia. I saw someone mention this website and thought I would join since y'all support mpb. If anyone is on twitter follow me @frombaldtobold :)
Hi! I am Kristin and I joined this site because my 11 year old daughter has alopecia totalis. It is not knew as she started losing her hair at 11 months old and has been bald since she was 12 months old. She will be 12 on Sept 12 so she has now been bald for 11 years of her life. She knows nothing different. To her this is the norm. Though for me I worry as she gets older. At her age now she is self confident. In the 2nd grade she asked for a wig and wore it for about 3 weeks. After that she had had enough and never wore it again. Her step-dad and I basically figure when she is ready or if she wants a wig...then we will go from there. Of course as she gets older I worry about her and the affect it will have on her emotionally as she gets in to middle school and highschool. we all know how kids can be. But to be honest her schools so far have been very accepting. But...I refuse to put a wig on my daughters head if she doesn't want one. So all I can do is educate people when they ask.
Hello! : )
I joined for my mom. She has had alopecia for about 19 yrs, ever since she was pregnant with my younger brother. I was about 1.5 yrs old at the time so I have gone the majority of my life with her bald. To me it is completely normal and beautiful. When I tell people that my mom is bald I definitely get that look of "Ohh is it caner?" and of course MOST people do not know what Alopecia is so I make sure that I inform them of what it is. I do not judge or assume that someone has cancer or something is wrong with them just because they do not have hair. I praise anyone with alopecia who goes with out a wig, BALD is BEAUTIFUL!
I know that if I were to ever have a child in my classroom that has alopecia I would make sure that they got the chance to inform their peers what why they are bald or missing hair. The more we spread the word about alopecia the more it will become known. I am lucky to have my mom, hair or no hair, she is still one amazing person.

I hope you all know that being bald is beautiful. Do not let anyone tell you it is not. : )

I joined to be supportive of my partner and to allow myself some insight into my own behaviors in regards to AA. I made some really god chat buddy's from AW and this has helped my partner and myself to communicate from a knowledge based position. AW is by no means the font of all knowledge, but is a take what you want and leave the rest type thing for us, we don't believe their is a magic cure out there, nor do we believe some unseen deity is going to make it better. We just accept it and work with it as with all our lives now we are pragmatic and reasoned based in our thinking and thank all those on AW who have been with during this time John



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