Hey, I am wondering if any of you have been prescribed the following treatment for your alopecia. I have pretty much given up on my hair ever coming back as it has been over a year now and all I have is a white hair here and there and a bunch of peach fuzz. So I was at one of my daughter's wart appointments a couple months ago and her derm suggested I see another derm that is supposedly one of the best around Oregon. Her name is Janet Roberts. Have any of you heard of her or seen her? Any way, after waiting 70 days for my appointment, she prescribed a steroid ointment called Fluocinonide and also Minoxidil at 5%. She said to rub them on twice a day and it doesn't matter in which order. She said after applying these medicines for 6 months, I have a 40% chance of getting all but the lower areas back as the lower areas are very stubborn. Anyone care to comment?

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Hi, sorry so slow to write back. Thanks for the info on Janet Roberts. No real changes yet as far as hair growth. I live in Salem.
First of all, Please never give up hope! Your hair can regrow anytime without any treatment! Your disease just has to turn itself off. Your hair folicle is still alive. It's a good sign you have white hair. It's growing but the pigment isnt kicking in yet. This is how my pattern was. It is slowly regaining more pigment as time goes on. I was AU but things have slowly been turning around
Secondly, I agree with the Minoxidil 5% twice daily. I am not familliar with the steroid ointment.
Again, Dont give up hope!

Hi Jeffrey. Thanks for writing. Yes, I'm being told from my derm that I still have follicles. I guess the steriod ointment is supposed to make my scalp skin thin. I'm guessing it will let the minoxidil work better? I'm just worried it won't work and I will have a saggy scalp with no hair!! Thanks for you kind words, Yvette
Hi Yvette,
The thinning of the skin is a side effect of the steroid ointment. The mechanism of action with steriods is anti-inflamatory.
Any pigment yet?

I only have a small black patch on the top back of my head that has never fallen out. My derm is going to have me do the steriod/monoxidil for another 5 wks and assess me again at that time. It almost seem like the white hairs are more numerous but I really don't know....I don't want to jynx myself!
Just keep going with it Yvette. I've been on this road for 3 years now and am making a nice comeback. Reach for the Stars!

I love Dr Roberts... she has been giving me cortizone injections in my eyebrows and occasionally eyelids for a number of years. I have since moved away from Portland, but will be visiting next month and am attempting to get in to see her for injections (she is THAT good).

Good luck... let us know how the treatment goes!

OMG, when I scheduled my appt to see her it took 70 days to see her. You may want to call ahead!! I've never had injections. When I used to get bald "spots", for the most part, my other hair would cover the spots or I would make my other hair cover the spots! But then All my hair fell out withing 5-6 wks and there aint no injection that is going to treat that! Thanks for writing, Yvette



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